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If you knew them you would sympathize with us." But Christophe could find nothing but disgust with both: for he did not hold that the baseness of the oppressed was any excuse for that of the oppressor. Only too frequently had he met at the Stevens' types of the rich dull middle-class that Roussin described, "... L'anime triste di coloro, Che visser senza infamia esenza lodo,..."

"Falsus honor juvat, et mendax infamia terret Quem nisi mendosum et mendacem?" Thus we see how all the judgments that are founded upon external appearances, are marvellously uncertain and doubtful; and that there is no so certain testimony as every one is to himself.

He looked at me for a moment, as if in doubt of my sincerity, then, again plucking his whiskers, he forthwith proceeded to attack me in another quarter: "Pero que infamia, que picardia! to come into Spain for the purpose of overturning the religion of the country. What would you say if the Spaniards were to go to England and attempt to overturn the Lutheranism established there?"

Infamia among the Romans was not a punishment, but it was a consequence of conviction for certain offences; and this consequence was a civil disability; the person who became Infamis lost his vote, and was ineligible to the great public offices. He also sustained some disabilities in his private rights.

"Chi infamia!" cried the queen, and her majesty gave the cow's husband to understand that in three days he would have to leave Naples, and look for bulls in other countries. If these events had not taken place, M. de Buturlin would not have made so good a bargain. After my dinner, Goudar asked all the company to sup with him the next evening.

This may mean an official who shewed people to their places in the theatre; an undertaker's man, who marshalled funerals. To the latter office a certain infamia was attached. Gellius was an eques and a stepson of L. Marcius Philippus. "made all Catilines Acidini." Acidinus was the cognomen of several distinguished men. In Leg.

The poor corregidor, however, had no doubt that it was a deep-laid scheme to plunder and insult him. And now, working himself up into almost a frenzy of excitement, he stamped on the ground, exclaiming, "Que picardia! Que infamia!" The old system, thought I, of prejudging people and imputing to them motives and actions of which they never dreamed.

She "trusted not," she replied she "never minded it, nor would she" she "desired only to save her right; and if she should lose the favour of the people in defending that right, yet she trusted to go to heaven cum famâ et infamiâ." Promises and persuasions being unavailing, they tried threats.

"Chi infamia!" cried the queen, and her majesty gave the cow's husband to understand that in three days he would have to leave Naples, and look for bulls in other countries. If these events had not taken place, M. de Buturlin would not have made so good a bargain. After my dinner, Goudar asked all the company to sup with him the next evening.

When Cicero's brother Quintus divorced his wife Pomponia, he had a good deal of trouble in finding means to return her portion. The law of dos comprised a great number of rules, and is a difficult subject. The penalty was merely nominal, but it was accompanied by what the Romans called Infamia. Fannia showed on this occasion that she was a better woman than Marius took her to be.