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Updated: August 23, 2024

One can hardly conceive the beauty of the egg as seen through the microscope at this period of its growth, when the whole yolk is divided, with the dark granules on one side, while the other side, where the transparent halo of the vesicle is seen, is brilliant with light.

In the pigeons, it was found that more yolk material tended to produce a larger proportion of females. The most minute quantitative measurements were made of this factor, to eliminate any possibility of error. The chromosome mechanisms practically force us to suppose that about half the eggs are originally predisposed to maleness, half to femaleness.

Then she called to Koorookh, 'Seize him! and the bird slanted his beak and closed his wings, the two, Abarak and Noorna, clinging to him tightly; and he was down like an arrow between Shibli Bagarag and the ground, spreading beneath him like a tent, and Noorna caught the youth gently to her lap; then she pushed him off again, intercepting his descent once more, till they were on a level with one of the mountains of the earth, from which the City of Shagpat is visible among the yellow sands like a white spot in the yolk of an egg.

Oh, joy joy no thanks but sensual joy! There were three of them, and each one meat for a day; ash-coloured without, but the within the within full of sweet and precious yolk! Oh, rich feast, luscious and refreshing: cheer up cheer up: keep one to cross the desert with: ay ay, luck will come at last to clever Jack! how shrewd it was of me to find those eggs!

It seems I was a fool and so I have fed for a fortnight on nothing but milk and eggs, which are boiled so that the yolk is hard and the white is soft. One is sick of such fare in two days. I have only twice had dinner during the whole journey, not counting the Jewess's fish-soup, which I swallowed after I had had enough to eat with my tea.

Aside from egg yolk, we give preference for this purpose to green vegetable juice or pulp, especially from peas and spinach or a mixture of both. The substantial character of dry beans is too well known to require comment, but how many realize that they are a most valuable source of iron and other mineral salts?

Salt and pepper it. When the bread has been well mixed add the yolk of one egg and mix again well, spread this mixture all over the surface of the beef, leveling it off with a knife. Then sprinkle on a few raisins, and then roll up the meat like a cigar, but bigger in the middle than at the ends. Tie it up then, crosswise and lengthwise, and brown it in a saucepan with a little lard and some ham.

Hard-boiled eggs should be cooked in boiling water for fifteen or twenty minutes and then dropped in cold water to prevent the yolk from turning dark. Break into a bowl as many eggs as required, add salt and pepper. Have some very hot butter in the frying-pan on the stove; pour in the eggs, stir constantly until set, not stiff, and serve on a hot platter at once.

1 pint of lobster meat 2 level tablespoonfuls of butter 4 level tablespoonfuls of flour 1/2 pint of milk 1 teaspoonful of salt 1 teaspoonful of onion juice 1 saltspoonful of white pepper 1/2 saltspoonful of grated nutmeg Yolk of one egg A dash of cayenne Chop the boiled lobster rather fine with a silver knife, and add to it all the seasoning.

Boil the tripe the day before till it is quite tender, which it will not be in less than four or five hours. Then cover it and set it away. Next day cut it into long slips, and dip each piece into beaten yolk of egg, and afterwards roll them in grated bread crumbs. Have ready in a frying pan over the fire some good beef drippings.

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