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So many lords and barons of this realm were displeased, for their children were so lost, and many put the wite on Merlin more than on Arthur; so what for dread and for love, they held their peace.

Old scores were to be paid off, old grudges wiped out with our first issue of ball ammunition. Many a fist-banged board at the wet canteen gave proof of Tommy's earnestness. "Shoot 'im?" he would say, rattling the beer glasses the whole length of the table with a mighty blow of his fist. "Blimy! Wite! That's all you got to do! Just wite till we get on the other side!"

This reception was wholly unexpected to poor Bub, and, as she relieved him of his ministerial vestments, he sobbed indignantly, "Now Bub go wite away, and never come back no more!" and, opening the door, he marched resolutely out.

"Wot's she like?" "Oh, a rale little bit of a thing, not as big as Lizer! "And, Peter, she hes teeny little hands, as wite as snow, like that woman in the picter ma got off of the tea." "Yes, Peter," chimed in another voice; "and her feet are that little that she don't make no nise wen she walks."

De Cunnel'll make de State too hot to hole ole Moye, when he fine him out. 'Does Sam's wife "smile" on the Overseer now? 'No; she see de trubble she bring on Sam, and she bery sorry. She won't look at a wite man now. During the conversation above recorded, we had ridden for several miles over the western half of the plantation, and were then again near the house.

The woman, half frantic with excitement, thrust open the door when her husband fell, and the light which came through it revealed the face of the new-comer. But his voice, which rang out on the night air as clear as a bugle, had there been no light, would have betrayed him. It was Scip. Spurning the prostrate Overseer with his foot, he shouted, 'Run, you wite debil, run for your life!

How should she pe seeing with all ta earth apove her and ta cravestone too tat I know my poy Malcolm will pe laying on ta top of his old cranfather to keep him waarm, and let peoples pe know tat ta plind piper will be lying town pelow wite awake and fery uncomfortable?" "Excuse me, Mr MacPhail, but that's all a mistake," said Mr Graham positively.

They all said that this seemed like to be; but that if the man who had slain Rusty were one of the ransackers they might have a blood- wite of him, if they could find him. Gold-mane said that so it was, and therewithal he gave the shepherds good-speed and went on his way.

" Mister Lanyard sed as 'ow 'e might be quite lite, but 'e'd 'urry all 'e could, ma'am, and would the lidy please wite." "Thank you so much." "'Nk-you, ma'am." Smiling, Lanyard replaced the receiver and rang for the waiter. When that one answered, the adventurer was hatted and coated and opening his door. "I'm called out," he said "can't quite say when I'll be back.

"All wite, den; we frens 'dain," lisped the mite, putting up his little rosebud mouth so prettily for a kiss, in token of peace and forgiveness on his part, that the nurse could not help giving him another hug.