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Three lines of German, written in fluent German characters in purple ink beneath the name and address of Mynheer van Urutius ... that was all. My heart sank with disappointment and wretchedness as I read the inscription. Here is the document: * Herr Willem van Urutius, Automobilgeschäft, Nymwegen. Alexandtr-Straat 81 bis. Berlin, Iten Juli, 16. O Eichenholz! O Eichenholz!

Willem was determined to proceed, and persisted in his determination. Evening approached, and still was he unwilling to give up the search. They could not return that night, for they were now nearly a day's journey from the camp. "Willem is mad, hopelessly mad," thought Hendrik, "and I must not leave him alone."

The chief concluded his narrative by inviting the hunters to accompany him the next morning to his kraal; where he promised to show them such hospitality as was in his power. On learning that his home was down the river, and at no great distance from it, the invitation was at once accepted. "One thing this man has told us," remarked Willem, "which pleases me very much.

It had not pursued Macora or his attendants, as its solicitude was for its young, and the dogs were now running in the direction where these were concealed. At sight of Groot Willem, the leopard desisted from its pursuit of the dogs; and, crouching low upon the ground, crawled towards him, not slowly, but with a speed only checked by instinctive caution.

Mounting their horses, Arend and Hendrik held the poles by which the giraffe was to be guided, while Willem and Congo walked on behind. In this manner the captive was conducted towards the camp. More than once during their journey Willem reiterated the reproach already made to his companions.

If Commandant Meijer had had sufficient time to collect a commando in the Colony, I am sure that he would have proved that the younger generation of Free-Staters, to whom he and Willem Pretorius belonged, possess qualities which were entirely unsuspected before the war began. On the 8th of December three columns of the enemy appeared from Kroonstad.

A drove containing young ones, such as were required, might not be seen in the neighbourhood for several weeks. He still promised to render all the assistance himself and tribe were capable of affording. Willem might have remained to try another trap, but the voice of his companions was in favour of at once setting out for Graaf Reinet.

Groot Willem, wholly unconscious that there were people who would not do as they would be done by, lost no time in telling them of the danger that threatened himself and his friends, and that they were every moment expecting an attack from a large party of hostile Matabili. He expressed his pleasure at the good fortune that had brought them a distance at such an opportune moment.

On moving around to the shed where the two giraffes had been tied, Willem was somewhat alarmed by an indescribable expression seen on the features of Congo. The eyes seemed as if about to start from the Kaffir's head! The distance between his chin and nose had alarmingly extended, and his whole appearance formed a frightful picture of astonishment and fear. To Willem there needed no explanation.

[Footnote 386: It was believed by the local ministers that Danckaerts and Sluyter while in New York engaged actively in proselytizing. Thus, Rev. Henricus Selyns, Domine Niewenhuisen's successor, says in a letter to Rev. Willem