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"You want a new girl for our drawing-in machine the best paying and most profitable place in the mill off from the others in a room by herself no contact with mill-people easy job two dollars a day " "One dollar you forgit, suh one dollar's the reg'lar price, sah," interrupted the Whipper-in.

'My brother ran away. 'Well, and what were you under the father of your first mistress? 'I had different duties; at first I found myself a page; I have been a postilion, a gardener, and a whipper-in. 'A whipper-in?... And did you ride out with the hounds? 'Yes, I rode with the hounds, and was nearly killed; I fell off my horse, and the horse was injured.

And away he went caught the old whipper-in, dismounted him in a twinkling, and was on a fresh horse with his hounds in full cry. The line of flight was still along the hill-tops, and all eagerly pressed on, making a goodly rattle over the beds of flints. A check ensued.

The whipper-in was whispering to Audley; and the minister pushed back his hat from his brows, and glanced round the House, and up into the galleries, as if to calculate rapidly the relative numbers of the two armies in the field; then be smiled bitterly, and threw himself back into his seat. That smile long haunted Leslie.

The greater part of the day was consumed in preparations for the hunt. Everybody engaged looked out their easiest shoes, and their thickest worsted socks. Still a huntsman and a whipper-in were to be chosen: Buttar proposed asking Lemon, and Bouldon seconded the motion. But then it was suggested, that Ernest had consulted him as to the course he should pursue. One or two cried out for Blackall.

The whipper-in was whispering to Audley; and the minister pushed back his hat from his brows, and glanced round the House, and up into the galleries, as if to calculate rapidly the relative numbers of the two armies in the field; then he smiled bitterly, and threw himself back into his seat. That smile long haunted Leslie.

It is well for thee that thou art not a young beagle instead of a grey-headed bookman, or that rambling vein of thine would often bring thee under the lash of the whipper-in! Off thou art and away in pursuit of the smallest game that rises before thee. Montesinos.

He is not only commissary-general, but whipper-in of the whole household, and besides the care of giving out all the stores, has the charge to see that everything is properly done. The unhappy men who purchase prosperity at the dreadful cost of maintaining slavery, pretend that their slaves would do no work worth looking at, were there not always some one behind them with a whip in his hand.

He had a conciliatory way with those beneath him, and he considered all the mill hands in that class. To his superiors he was a frowning, yet daring and even presumptuous underling. Somewhat better dressed than the Hillites from whom he sprang was this Whipper-in of the Acme Cotton Mills somewhat better dressed, and with the air of one who had arisen above his surroundings.

They were on a piece of cold scenting ground, across which they could hardly own the scent. 'Don't hurry 'em! cried Mr. Sponge to Miss Glitters, who was acting whipper-in with rather unnecessary vigour.