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Eastward from the bulkhead line, Tunnels A, B, and D have ascending grades of about 1.25%, while Tunnel C rises at the rate of 1.9% in order to effect a crossing over Tunnel B west of the portals. This feature was introduced in order to place the two west-bound tracks together through the Sunnyside Yard, and the heavier grade, being downward with the traffic, was not objectionable.

The outward journey, made partly under cover of darkness, was arduous, for each torrent came roaring down swollen by melting snow almost bank-full, and portions of the trail had been washed away; but we reached the station settlement in safety, and after a few hours' sleep there we turned out to meet the west-bound train.

But at last human instincts encroached upon Neale's superlative detachment from self. It seemed all of a sudden that he stepped toward an east-bound train. When he reached the coach something halted him a thought where was he going? The west-bound work-train was the one he wanted. He laughed, a little grimly. Certainly he had grown absentminded.

It was just 2 a.m. when I received the order from the dispatcher at Winnipeg to detain the east-bound train at my station when she arrived, till the west-bound express crossed her double tracks are yet unknown out there.

After that came an anxious wait until April 12 when the arrival of the west-bound express announced that all was well. The first trip of the Pony Express westbound from St. Joseph to Sacramento was made in nine days and twenty-three hours. East-bound, the run was covered in eleven days and twelve hours.

Thorn was simply in the fix of the fellow between the bull and the bulldog he had a choice, but it was only whether he would rather be gored or bitten, so he took the ten thousand, and that night Jim faded away on a west-bound Pullman, smoking two-bit cigars and keeping the porter busy standing by with a cork-screw.

Superintendent Marley, who was still present when the daring rider returned, at once raised his bonus from fifty to one hundred dollars. Nor was this all of Haslam's great achievement. The west-bound mail would soon arrive, and there was nobody to take his regular run.

However, I'm going westward just now. Just going to have a look in at the Great Western Hotel, to see if Mr. Purdie heard anything from that American chap and then I'm for home and bed. Like to come to the hotel with me?" "Strikes me we might as well make a night of it!" remarked Melky as they recrossed the road and sought a west-bound train. "We've had such an evening as I never expected! Mr.

That Gipsy gent, Fawe, pulled the lever, but Marchand built the scaffold." "Heard anything more about Marchand where he is?" asked Osterhaut, as the hoofs of the horses clattered on the bridge. "Yes, I've heard there's news," responded Jowett. "He's been lying drunk at Gautry's caboose ever since yesterday morning at five o'clock, when he got off the West-bound train. Nice sort of guy he is.

Lu Ting Ch'iao, or the "Town of the Iron Bridge," derives its importance as well as its name from its location, and it was crowded to overflowing with east- and west-bound travellers, officials, merchants, soldiers, coolies, for all traffic must cross the Ta Tu here, the one point spanned by a bridge. Indeed, according to Mr.