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Updated: August 5, 2024

He was such an unnatural colour to look at that the men of round-abouts and wax-work shows seemed gentlemen beside him; but he considered them low company, and remained aloof. Among all these squatters and folks of the road the reddleman continually found himself; yet he was not of them. His occupation tended to isolate him, and isolated he was mostly seen to be.

When she had brought all these testimonials of her important position in society to bear upon her young companion, Mrs Jarley rolled them up, and having put them carefully away, sat down again, and looked at the child in triumph. 'Never go into the company of a filthy Punch any more, said Mrs Jarley, 'after this. 'I never saw any wax-work, ma'am, said Nell. 'Is it funnier than Punch?

Just get into your head, once for all, that you are not the statue of General Malet, that you are General Malet in person, that my play is not a catalogue of wax-work figures, but a living moving tragedy, one which brings the tears into your eyes, and " Words failed him, and he sobbed for a long while into his handkerchief. Then he roared: "Holy thunder! Pradel! Romilly! Where is Romilly?

Mrs Jarley's back being then towards him, the military gentleman shook his forefinger as a sign that her myrmidons were not to apprise her of his presence, and stealing up close behind her, tapped her on the neck, and cried playfully 'Boh! 'What, Mr Slum! cried the lady of the wax-work. 'Lot! who'd have thought of seeing you here! ''Pon my soul and honour, said Mr Slum, 'that's a good remark.

More select entertainment, such as Shuffle Kitty's wax-work, whose motto was, "A rag to pay, and in you go," were given in a hall whose approach was by an outside stair.

We always associate mystery with curtains, "caudle lectures" with curtains, shows, and wax-work, and big women, and dwarfs with curtains; but as we slowly, yet determinedly, undid these United Methodist Free Church curtains, and presented our "mould of form" before the full and absolute interior, we beheld nothing special: there were only a child, two devotional women, and a young man playing a slow and death-like tune on a well-made harmonium, present.

So Tom Ryfe departed from his garden of Eden with sundry misgivings not entirely new to him, that the fruit he took such pains to ripen for his own gathering might but be gaudy wax-work after all, or painted stone, perhaps, cold, smooth, and beautiful, against which he should rasp his teeth in vain.

Giving the child an encouraging look, intended to reassure her and let her know, that, although she stood in the presence of the original Jarley, she must not allow herself to be utterly overwhelmed and borne down, the lady of the caravan unfolded another scroll, whereon was the inscription, 'One hundred figures the full size of life, and then another scroll, on which was written, 'The only stupendous collection of real wax-work in the world, and then several smaller scrolls with such inscriptions as 'Now exhibiting within' 'The genuine and only Jarley' 'Jarley's unrivalled collection' 'Jarley is the delight of the Nobility and Gentry' 'The Royal Family are the patrons of Jarley. When she had exhibited these leviathans of public announcement to the astonished child, she brought forth specimens of the lesser fry in the shape of hand-bills, some of which were couched in the form of parodies on popular melodies, as 'Believe me if all Jarley's wax-work so rare' 'I saw thy show in youthful prime' 'Over the water to Jarley; while, to consult all tastes, others were composed with a view to the lighter and more facetious spirits, as a parody on the favourite air of 'If I had a donkey, beginning

That was a mistake of large dimensions. The Old Masters were still unpleasing to me, but they were truly divine contrasted with the copies. The copy is to the original as the pallid, smart, inane new wax-work group is to the vigorous, earnest, dignified group of living men and women whom it professes to duplicate.

Nell walked down it, and read aloud, in enormous black letters, the inscription, "JARLEY'S WAX-WORK." "Read it again," said the lady complacently. "Jarley's Wax-Work," repeated Nell. "That's me," said the lady. "I am Mrs. Jarley."

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