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Eight vanloads? What is to be done now? You are late and I let number fourteen go in the night. What are we to do now?"

Two days later three other vanloads arrived late in the evening, and were unpacked in the stable-yard at dawn. The tenant, whose name is Bailey but whose letters come addressed "Baily," and are mostly from Belgium lived there alone for a fortnight, and was afterwards joined by a foreign man-servant named Pietro, who is believed to be an Italian.

Once my wife and I revolted by a common impulse against the ridiculous waste and slavery of the thing. We went to the storage warehouse and sent three or four vanloads of the rubbish to the auctioneer. Some of the pieces we had not seen for years, and as each was hauled out for us to inspect and decide upon, we condemned it to the auction-block with shouts of rejoicing.

The house is a big one not too big for the four vanloads of furniture wot came down from London." "Has he made any friends in the district, do you know?" "No, not exactly. 'E often goes and 'as a drink at the Bridgewick Arms at Burnham, close by the coastguard station." Walter exchanged a meaning glance with his assistant. "Does he receive any visitors?" "Very few he's away such a lot.

The committee's books remained open; by the last of the week over seven thousand men had signed the rolls. Vanloads of furniture and various supplies were backed up before the doors of headquarters, and were carried within by members of the organization no non-member ever saw the inside of the building while it was occupied by the Vigilantes.

Later on a still more exciting period was reached, when vanloads of furniture arrived, and their contents were spread about on the roadway.

Their summons echoed through the big hall, causing Walter to remark: "There can't be much furniture inside, judging from the sound." "Four motor vanloads came here," responded the sergeant. "The first was in a plain van." "You did not discover whence it came?" "I asked the driver down at the inn at Southminster, and he told me that they came from the Trinity Furnishing Company, Peckham.

The inspector takes him by the arm and, still talking with heat, goes off with him to the platform. After the third bell the station-master runs into his room, and sits down at his table. "Listen, with what number am I to go?" asks Malahin. The station-master looks at a form and says indignantly: "Are you Malahin, eight vanloads?

Meander fell into another rhapsody over those classic cups and shallow little bowls of absinthe-coloured jade. 'Here if you like, are colour and beauty, he murmured, caressing one of the little cups with the roseate tips of his supple fingers. 'These, dearest Smithson, are worth all the rest of your collection; worth vanloads of your cloisonné enamels, your dragon-jars in blood-colour and blue.

It is pleasant to Malahin to talk to educated, cultured people. He strokes his beard and joins in the conversation with dignity. "Take this case, gentlemen, for instance," he says. "I am transporting cattle to X. Eight vanloads.