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Updated: August 21, 2024

Ad modicam inde destantiam habetur Insula Rotonigo abundans in bonis pluribus: sed et in Austrum sequuntur aliae plures regiones et Insulae, de quibes prolixum narrare fuisset. Et est valde grandis regio Iaua, habens in circuitu ambitum leucarum duarum millium. Huius rex est valde potens, et imperans septem insularum vicinarum regibus.

'Tis a misfortune to be at such a pass, that the best test of truth is the multitude of believers in a crowd, where the number of fools so much exceeds the wise: "Quasi vero quidquam sit tam valde, quam nil sapere, vulgare." "Sanitatis patrocinium est, insanientium turba." St. Augustine, De Civit.

Drunken Valde had left her again had flown out into the spring! Ellen had gone out to work. A sudden pain shot through him. Her way of doing this, without saying a word to him, was like a blow in the face, and at first he was angry. But disloyalty was foreign to his nature.

'Homo rufus rare bonus, sed si bonus valde bonus' A red-haired man is rarely good, but if good then very good indeed. Or perhaps you don't like him because he belongs to another nation? Nay, but mark what the wise Queen Christina used to say: 'There are only two kinds of nations on the whole earth, the god-fearing and the godless. If you don't like him now, you'll learn to like him by and by.

Drunken Valde had left her again had flown out into the spring! Ellen had gone out to work. A sudden pain shot through him. Her way of doing this, without saying a word to him, was like a blow in the face, and at first he was angry. But disloyalty was foreign to his nature.

She read on: "'Et valde mane una sabbatorum, veniunt ad monumentum, orto jam sole. "'Very early they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun; and they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre? And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away, for it was very great....

There were not only hiatus valde deflendi, but even grievous inconsistencies, and other mistakes, which the penman's leisurely revision, had he been spared to bestow it, would doubtless have cleared away.

Whatever be the truth of the case, there is, to be sure, hitherto an 'hiatus valde deflendus'. The meeting of the parliament will certainly be very numerous, were it only from curiosity: but the majority on the side of the Court will, I dare say, be a great one. The people of the late Captain-general, however inclined to oppose, will be obliged to concur.

There is, as the reader will see, more than one hiatus valde deflendus, as the scholiasts have it, and there are passages in which, whether from the illegibility of the manuscript or the employment of technical terms unknown to me, I cannot be certain of the correctness of my translation.

It paused in its toil and lifted its head, and from the dark folds of a drooping cowl, two melancholy deep-set eyes glittered out like the eyes of a famished beast. The other spectres paused also, but only for a moment, the bell boomed menacingly over their heads once more, and again they dug and delved, and again they chanted in dreary monotone "Dies magna et amara valde, Dum veneris judicare!

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