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As for that usurping monarch, having performed acts of velour much more considerable than could be expected of a royal ruffian and usurper, who had such a bad cause, and who was so cruel to women, as for King Padella, I say, when his army ran away, the King ran away too, kicking his first general, Prince Punchikoff, from his saddle, and galloping away on the Prince's horse, having, indeed, had twenty-five or twenty-six of his own shot under him.

It happened that the king being at Plessis-les-Tours, the real abbot, who was a monk, came and presented himself before the king, and presented also a petition, remonstrating with him that, canonically and a monastically, he was entitled to the abbey and that the usurping gentleman wronged of his right, and therefore he called upon his majesty to have justice done to him.

"And thus," said the old man, "you perceive that this child whose birth was feloniously concealed, and who was cast away to perish among the wretched beggars, thieves and street-walkers of New York, is really the only living child of the late Eugene Le Noir, and the sole inheritrix of the Hidden House, with its vast acres of fields, forests, iron and coal mines, water power, steam mills, furnaces and foundries wealth that I would not undertake to estimate within a million of dollars all of which is now held and enjoyed by that usurping villain, Gabriel Le Noir!"

Their Souls one wou'd think shou'd be vex'd at such daring Impieties, and their Spirits stirr'd in them to see such Vices Adored; to find Lewdness vaunting it over Religion and Virtue, and usurping their place in a bold recommending itself to the affections of Men, with all those Advantages God design'd for the Adorning of Things that were really Good.

Having succeeded by stratagem in introducing some of their members into the municipal council, they demanded a church and the public exercise of their worship, and the demand being unfavourably received, they succeeded by violence in enforcing it, and also in usurping the entire government of the city.

He was ready enough to sacrifice his wife if by so doing money might be gained, but he felt somehow hurt in his vanity at the idea of this ugly, slow-witted Northerner usurping his place. With an effort, however, he put the question: "Is he an Englishman?" "Yes." He was seized with a tumult of anger.

Come and see the works of the Lord, what wonders He hath wrought, when a people hath thus bound themselves to be His. 1. A king injuriously put from his right by an usurping hand, after such a covenant was re-established, "He sat him down on the throne of the kings." 2.

All the finery that surrounds you is mine it was purchased with my money, though now you call it yours; and, usurping the authority of both master and mistress here, you in what you please to call your economical management dole out shillings to me when the humor seizes you, or refuse me, as now, when it pleases you. But, woman, listen to me.

Herein were great white oaks lifting their heads into greater silver pines. Here were superb hemlocks threatened by a usurping growth of young deciduous trees. There were dogwoods throwing themselves across everything; and groups of maples and beeches struggling with each other.

"To gain a legitimate right is everything," continued Nicolas David, "and I have discovered that you are the true heirs, and the Valois only a usurping branch." "It is difficult to believe," said the duke, "that our house, however illustrious it may be, comes before the Valois." "It is nevertheless proved, monseigneur," said David, drawing out a parchment. The duke took it.