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Updated: August 5, 2024

"You're sitting down, that's what you're a-doing," said the carpenter, regarding her somewhat unfavourably. "Perhaps it's a take-in," said Mrs. Pullen, her lips trembling. "I've heard o' such things. If it is, I shall never get over it never." "Get over what?" asked the carpenter. "It don't look like a take-in," soliloquized Mrs.

To them, without any doubt, the philosophers and poets of the world were unknown, but they knew the Earl of Rochester, and not unfavourably. Millions upon millions of the English world were equally acquainted with his lordship, he was most evidently a National figure.

Brave words heartsome words for the hearing of a woman who had loved him. Lynette was almost sorry that she did not. He did not believe that he had won any hearts in Gueldersdorp. His curtness, his roughness, his harshness had been unfavourably commented upon many and many a time. Yet when he left them, how the people cheered!

They sagged, but did not break from their fastenings, and his behaviour, as he lay thus entangled, would have contrasted unfavourably in dignity with the actions of a panic-stricken hen in a hammock. "And so conscience DOES make cowards of us all," I said, with no hope of being understood.

Even when we dined at the fashionable open air restaurant in the Cascine, with no less a person than Ouida, in a fluff of grey hair and black lace, at the next table, and the most distinguished gambler of the Italian aristocracy presenting a narrow back to us from the other side, he permitted poppa to compare the quality of the beef fillets unfavourably with those of New York in silence, and drank his Chianti with a lack-lustre eye.

All this would have been quite as astonishing to the contemporaries of Nelson or of Exmouth and Codrington as the aspect of a battleship or of a 12-inch breech-loading gun. Let it be clearly understood that none of these things has been mentioned with the intention of criticising them either favourably or unfavourably.

The Baronet in particular augured very unfavourably, concerning the subserviency which he expected from me; and once or twice spoke in a very dictatorial tone: but, finding himself answered with no little indignation, he had no remedy but to chew the cud in silence.

"Lies, lies, lies!" he clamoured, and his interruption coming at such a time served to impress the Duke most unfavourably as well it might. "It is our wish to hear this lady out, Mr. Trenchard," the Duke reproved him. But Mr. Trenchard was undismayed. Indeed, he had just discovered a hitherto neglected card, which should put an end to this dangerous game.

This very passage might show the contrary, if he had but quoted the whole paragraph, instead of the middle sentence only. This small treatise was reviewed, unfavourably of course, in most of the religious periodicals, and among them in the "Prospective Review," by my friend James Martineau. I made an indignant protest in a new edition of this book, and added also various matter in reply to Mr.

He was a young negro gentleman, with such a shining ebony skin that he was almost refreshing to eyes that had just left the dazzling whiteness of the outer world. He gave me the impression of being a rather conceited African, but this may have been because my dress compared so unfavourably with his. He was the son of a merchant at St.

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