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Updated: August 4, 2024

Beyond the Great there is the Unevolved, beyond the Unevolved there is the Person. Up. The question here arises whether by the 'Unevolved' be or be not meant the Pradhana, as established by Kapila's theory, of which Brahman is not the Self. The Purvapakshin maintains the former alternative.

The text itself further on proves this, when saying 'That Self is hidden in all beings and does not shine forth, but it is seen by subtle seers through their sharp and subtle intellect. Brahman. But how can the term 'the Unevolved' denote the evolved body? To this question the next Sutra furnishes a reply.

His brain was not yet normal, but it was clearing rapidly. He saw this was no ordinary man he had to deal with, no ordinary circumstance; and his plan of campaign was unevolved. "I fail to see why," he continued. "Do you?" said Ben, quietly. Sidwell lit a cigar nonchalantly and smoked for a moment in silence. "Yes," he reiterated. "I fail to see why.

If one were to explain on paper what a flower is like, to a man who had never seen anything but trees, he would draw a tulip. They are unevolved. There is raw green in the tulip yellows; the reds are like a fresh wound, and the whites are either leaden or clayey.... Violets are almost spiritual in their enticements.

Matter in its subtle state subserves ends, in so far only as it is dependent on the Supreme Person who is the cause of all. We by no means wish to deny unevolved matter and all its effects in themselves, but in so far only as they are maintained not to have their Self in the Supreme Person.

Possessed of such knowledge, he will then know, looking back upon his past ignorance and blindness, that his life is, and always was, justly ordered, and that all his past experiences, good and bad, were the equitable outworking of his evolving, yet unevolved self. Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.

Summarised it came to a pronounced objection to having anything to do with a land rotten before it was ripe, a land with seven million negroes as yet unwelded into the population, their race-type unevolved, and rather more than crude notions on murder, marriage, and honesty. 'We've picked up their ways of politics, he said mournfully.

But, an objection is raised, if the 'Unevolved' is taken to be matter in its subtle state, what objection is there to our accepting for the explanation of our text that which is established in the Sankhya-system? for there also the 'Unevolved' means nothing else but matter in its subtle state. To this the next Sutra replies

Even in a community where unsavory reputations were the rule, Mick Kennedy's saloon was of evil repute. In a land new and wild, his establishment was the wildest, partook most of the unsubdued, unevolved character of its surroundings.

In the case of the passage 'Higher than the intellect is the Great Self, we conclude from the co-ordination of 'the Great' with the Self that what the text means is not the 'Great' principle of the Sankhyas; analogously we conclude that the 'Unevolved, which is said to be higher than the Self, cannot be the Pradhana of Kapila's system.

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