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That night, after supper, he saw Challoner unbraid Nanette's glorious hair, and brush it. They laughed like two happy children. Miki tried still harder to understand. When Challoner went to go to his tent in the edge of the forest he took Nanette in his arms, and kissed her, and stroked her shining hair; and Nanette took his face between her hands and smiled and almost cried in her joy.

After a while, wishing to turn the conversation, she said: "Wring my tress; it makes my back wet." Zbyszko caught the tress in one hand and began to wring with the other, saying: "The best way will be to unbraid it, then the wind will soon dry it." But she did not wish to do that on account of the thicket through which they were obliged to make their way.

"It is time you were in bed," said Grace, turning up the lamp, and beginning to unbraid her hair. Eeny came in and sat down on a low stool at Grace's feet. "Oh, Grace, isn't she splendid?" "Who?" "You know whom I mean Kate." "She is very handsome," Grace said quietly, going on with her work. "Handsome! She is lovely? She is glorious!

"Charles put these roses here, hey?" "I suppose so; throw them out of the window, and me too; my head is splitting." "To make amends for not giving you any last night," she went on; "he is quite childish." "Can't you unbraid my hair, it hurts my head so?" She felt my hands. I was in a fever, she said, and ran down for Charles. "Cass is sick, in spite of your white roses."

Here, youth, thy foot unbrace, Here, youth, thy brow unbraid; Each tribute that may grace The threshold here be paid. Walk with the stealthy pace Which Nature teaches deer, When, echoing in the chase, The hunter's horn they hear.

It was already late when Flora began to unbraid and set at liberty her dark brown tresses, preparatory to retiring to rest, when a low knock at the chamber-door startled her in the midst of her occupation.

Moses' method, first seen by him in practice, struck Jethro as most absurd, and he therefore said: "The thing that thou doest is not good," through delicacy softening his real opinion, "It is bad" to "It is not good." "The people," he continued, "will surely unbraid thee and Aaron, his two sons Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders, if thou continuest in this fashion.

He lay staring up at her for a minute while she smiled down at him, then he held out his arms. "He's passed the danger point," he exulted, and he took hold of the two long plaits and wound them about her head. Then he sat up and began deliberately to unbraid her hair, while she submitted laughing. "At two this morning he had a bad turn," said he, his fingers having their way with the dusky locks.

In this remote land, among daughters of fishers, beauty of shape is almost part of the race; it is scarcely ever noticed, and even the least respectable women are ashamed to parade it. Gaud began to unbraid her tresses, coiled in the shape of a snail-shell and rolled round her ears, and two plaits fell upon her shoulders like weighty serpents.

If Ivra were to slip that frock over her head, and unbraid her funny little pigtails, she would look as pretty as any fairy in the world. Ivra was not too young to want to be pretty. If she would only go to the Beautiful Wicked Witch's house, she could try on that dress, and wear it for one whole day if she liked. Ivra clasped her hands. But then she thought, and asked a question.