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Updated: August 26, 2024

"We've no Irish stew except what is prepared for the beaters, Sir Antony," said James, apologetically. He had come from a ducal house and knew the world. "Shall I get you some of that, Sir Antony?" "No, don't mind." Then, turning to me, "What are you eating, Comtesse?" he asked. "I will have some of that." "It is truffled partridge in aspic," I said, disagreeably.

The finished epicure shuddered at the recollection, poignantly, quite as if a saw were being filed in the next room. The disagreeable emotion was allayed, however, by the sight of his next course oeufs aux saucissons. Tender, poetic memories stirred within him. The little truffled French sausages aroused his better nature.

Here again public support was not on the side of the angels; constant readers of the SCRUTATOR complained bitterly of the strong meat which was thrust upon them at fitful intervals in place of the almost vegetarian diet to which they had become confidently accustomed; even those who were not mentally averse to strong meat as a separate course were pardonably annoyed at being supplied with it in the pages of the SCRUTATOR. To be suddenly confronted with a pungent herring salad when one had attuned oneself to tea and toast, or to discover a richly truffled segment of PATE DE FOIE dissembled in a bowl of bread and milk, would be an experience that might upset the equanimity of the most placidly disposed mortal.

This philosophy has been extracted from the depths, and unearthed by special seekers. But you are good-natured princes, and you do not think it a bad thing that belief in the good God should constitute the philosophy of the people, very much as the goose stuffed with chestnuts is the truffled turkey of the poor."

It was only natural that such young barbarians should fail to appreciate the cookery of so celebrated a cordon-bleu, which term, I may add, is only applicable to a woman-cook, and can never be used of a man. This truly admirable woman made us terrines of truffled foie-gras such as even Strasburg could not surpass, and gave them to us for breakfast.

A truffled fillet of venison had just cast its somewhat sharp scent amidst the dying perfume of the roses, when some asparagus made its appearance, a primeur which once had been so rare but which no longer caused any astonishment. "Nowadays we get it all through the winter," said the Baron with a gesture of disenchantment.

This would have become terribly tiresome, but for the entrance upon the scene of some truffled partridges, which the juggler carved and distributed in less time than it would take to shuffle a pack of cards. He even served the very worst part of the bird to the simple Amedee, as he would force him to choose the nine of spades.

In a few weeks the livers of most of them would be made into those excellent truffled pates de foie gras, which it is the pride and profit of Perigord to send far and wide. A grand old elm, such as one does not often see in France, stood in front of the village church a Transition building with a Romanesque portal.

"'Gai, gai, gai, le tonnelier, Raccommodez votre cuvier!" he answered, entering his wife's room fully dressed. "Yes, on my word, it is cold enough to freeze you solid. We shall have a fine breakfast, wife. Des Grassins has sent me a pate-de-foie-gras truffled! I am going now to get it at the coach-office.

An untidy place where they displayed a bargain assortment of creature comforts attracted his gaze. He thought of meals in the past of caviar, a la Russe, three dollars and a half a portion; peaches Melba, three francs each at the Café de Paris; truffled capon from Normandy; duck after the manner of the incomparable Frederic.

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