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Updated: August 9, 2024

Certainly the translators of the Bible were but ill-advised when they compared his Majesty to the rising sun in all his glory. James was rather fond of visiting Oxford and the royal residence at Woodstock. We shall see that his Court, the most dissolute, perhaps, that England ever tolerated, corrupted the manners of the students.

The thing forbidden is not very sharply defined by the expression which our translators have employed, but the original term is very picturesque and precise. The word originally means 'to be elevated, to be raised as a meteor, and comes by degrees to mean to be raised in one special way namely, as a boat is tossed by a tough sea.

A similar permanent deterioration in the language is in danger of being produced by the blunders of translators. In like manner, “transaction,” the French word for a compromise, is translated into the English word transaction; while, curiously enough, the inverse change is taking place in France, where the wordcompromishas lately begun to be used for expressing the same idea.

The same difficulty, which to-day troubles Christian preachers and translators, existed among the Roman Catholic missionaries three centuries ago. The moulds of thought were not then, nor are they even now, entirely ready for the full truth of Christian revelation. Suicide Made Honorable.

How strongly the young translators of Aristaenetus were under the influence of this sort of inspiration appears from every paragraph of Halhed's letters, and might easily, indeed, be concluded of Sheridan, from the very limited circumstances of his father, who had nothing besides the pension of L200 a year, conferred upon him in consideration of his literary merits, and the little profits he derived from his lectures in Bath, to support with decency himself and his family.

Although human authority and prejudice have hindered the translators from translating the Greek word, and thus telling us what it means in English, the contexts and sidelights on the subject make its meaning so plain that all can readily see it if divested of prejudice and preconceived ideas.

And as the English translators, for the most part, pursue the French, we may easily guess what spirit those copies of bad copies must preserve of the original." "Egad, you are a shrewd guesser," cries the author. "I am glad the booksellers have not your sagacity. But how should it be otherwise, considering the price they pay by the sheet?

Most of these were secretly distributed, and seventy remaining copies were buried for safety in the earth precious seed over which God watched and which in due season produced a glorious harvest. The translators were driven away, but the book remained.

The Septuagint translators betray an evident desire to soften down the anthropomorphism of the Hebrew; but how easy would it be to convict them of inconsistency, and to show that they left standing expressions as strong as any that they changed!

They were rather blamed for it, chiefly by those who had committed themselves to the Douai version, which has no marginal readings, on the ground that the translation ought to be as authoritative as the original. The King James translators repudiate that theory and frankly say that the reason they put these words in the margin was because they were not sure what was the best reading.

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