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Updated: August 25, 2024

Yes, suh. "'Purple 'n' white! I says. 'Them's the colors of the McVay stable! "'Ah was breeding stake hawsses, suh, says ole man Sanford, 'when his mothah's milk was not yet dry upon the lips of young McVay. "When the silks come, I picks out a real soft spot for Trampfast. It's a six furlong ramble fur has-beens 'n' there's sure a bunch of kioodles in it! Most of 'em ought to be on crutches.

"'Ah have nothing to complain of, he says. "It ain't long till he's overseein' my whole string of hosses, just like he owns 'em. Man, he sure does enjoy hisself! He won't trade places with August Belmont. "I'm gettin' Trampfast ready fur a nice little killin'. He's finished away back in two starts, but he runs both races without a pill. This hoss is a dope. He's been on it fur two seasons.

'Chick, get them two bottles that's hid under the rub-rags in the trunk! Now, ole Holler-enough, I says to the Tramp, 'you may be a imitation hoss, but we're goin' to make you look so much like the real thing your own mother won't know you! . . . "When Trampfast starts fur the paddock, his eyes has begun to roll 'n' he's walkin' proud. "'He thinks he's the Zar of Rushy, says Chick.

'His estate was not a large one as such things go some twelve hundred dollahs, I believe. "'That's better'n breakin' a leg, I says. "'You will, perhaps, be interested to learn, he says, 'that Ah have pu'chased the hawss Trampfast with a po'tion of the money. Hyah is a lettah foh you from Mr.

The Trampfast hoss can't beat a cook stove without the hop. I hate to see the ole man burn up his dough on a dead one. "'Now, Mr. Sanford, I says, 'times has changed since you raced. If you'll let me handle this hoss to suit myself I think I can make a piece of money fur you.

"'If he does not faltah in the stretch, suh, says ole man Sanford, 'I will presently show you the one minute and fohteen seconds you desiah upon its face. "The ole man's a good judge of pace, Trampfast comes home bang in the fourteen notch. "When Pete gets down at the stalls, ole man Sanford walks up to him. "'Hyah is a dollah foh you, boy, he says, 'n' hands Pete a buck.

My hoss has showed me the distance in fourteen, 'n' that's about where this gang'll stagger home. With the hop in him the Trampfast hoss'll give me two seconds better. He ought to be a swell bet. But the hop puts all the heart in him there is he ain't got one of his own. If he runs empty he'll lay down sure. I can't hop him, so I won't bet on him with counterfeit money.

"One mawnin' my boy Pete takes the Trampfast hoss out fur a trial. "'If he'll go six furlongs in about fourteen, I says to Pete, 'he's right. If he tries to loaf on you, shake him up; but if he's doin' his work nice, let him suit hisself 'n' keep the bat off him. I want to see what he'll do on his own. "'I think he'll perform to-day, says Pete. 'He's felt real good to me fur the last week.

"The ole man never even looks towards the track. "'He wins easy, says Chick as they go under the wire, 'n' all you can hear is 'Trampfast! Trampfast! but ole man Sanford still keeps a-starin' at me. "'You want to cheer up, Mr. Sanford, I says. 'You win a nice bet on him. "He pulls the tickets out of his pocket 'n' looks at 'em. They call fur sixteen hundred bucks.

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