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He was possessed by that extraordinary renunciation of civilization which now and again was manifested by white men thrown among the Cherokee tribe sometimes, as in his instance, a trader, advanced in years, "his pile made," to use the phrase of to-day, the world before him where to choose a home; sometimes a deserter from the British or French military forces, according to the faction which the shifting Cherokees affected at the time; more than once a captive, spared for some whim, set at liberty, free to go where he would all deliberately and of choice cast their lot among the Cherokees; lived and died with the treacherous race.

An honest trader in the Strand, who dealt largely in cotton prints, possessed an only daughter; this young lady had a legacy, from a great-aunt, of L3,220., with a small street in St.

We reached Jindey the same day, having crossed the Walli creek, a branch of the Gambia, and rested at the house of a black woman, who had formerly been the paramour of a white trader named Hewett, and who, in consequence thereof, was called, by way of distinction, seniora.

One day a trader came and knocked at Mary's door. He was carrying a little black baby in his arms. "I found this twin out in the bush," said the trader. "The other one was killed. This baby would have died, but I know how you love these little ones, so I brought it to you." "Thank you," said Mary, taking the tiny baby in her arms. "I shall call her Janie, after my sister."

If she had been made to your order, she could not have suited you better." "Indeed, sir, is not that young woman white?" inquired the parson. "Oh, no, sir; she is no whiter than you see!" "But is she a slave?" asked the preacher. "Yes," said the trader, "I bought her in Richmond, and she comes from an excellent family.

The soldiers of Middleton, in anticipation of his arrival, had bargained with an unsuccessful trader for the use of his boat, which lay in the stream ready to receive its cargo, and nothing remained to complete the arrangements for the long journey. Middleton did not see this moment arrive entirely without distrust.

Eager to stock the library with standard works against his daughter's coming, the old trader had consulted a friend among the officers and had sent a lavish order to a house in Chicago. Fletcher who pointed out how stiff and angular everything looked, who introduced the easy lounge, the soft rugs, the heavy hanging portières of costly Navajo blankets.

You may imagine he is somewhat touchy on the point of whiskey traders. "It was you set him on me," said Cameron, still wrathful. "No, no," said the trader, laughing quietly. "That was merely to startle you out of your, pardon me, unreasonable obstinacy.

That this territory be opened to the commerce of the world, and the blessings of civilization be conferred upon the people, it is necessary that some impulse of enlightenment come from without. The casual visit of the trader has been proved by experience to do vastly more harm than good. Vice and demoralization have too often followed in his track.

When dost mean to sail Master Seadrift?" "With the morning tide. I little like the neighborhood of these meddling guarda-costas." "Bravely answered! Prudence is a cardinal quality in a private trader; and it is a quality that I esteem in Master Skimmer, next to his punctuality Dates and obligations!