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'What do you talk about his having neither honour nor glory for! exclaimed Fagin, darting an angry look at his pupil. 'Wasn't he always the top-sawyer among you all! Is there one of you that could touch him or come near him on any scent! Eh? 'Not one, replied Master Bates, in a voice rendered husky by regret; 'not one.

Why, it began with Eldon's father didn't he put his pride in his pocket, and try to make cash by speculation? Now I can respect him: he at all events faced the facts of the case honestly. The despicable thing in this Hubert Eldon is that, having got money once more, and in the dirtiest way, he puts on the top-sawyer just as if there was nothing to be ashamed of.

See here is every room and every door and window and passage put down, and what sort of keys and bolts and fastenings to each." "How came he to know so much; he never was in the house but twice." "A top-sawyer like him looks at everything with an eye to business.

And old J. Bull concludes to let the dunghill folks, powerful lazy beggars they seem, come top-sawyer over the fellows that built a place like this, eh?"

If he was in a church he'd twig the candlesticks and the fastenings, while the rest were mooning into the parson's face he can't help it." "Well, he may be a top-sawyer, but I don't like him. See how loth he was, and, when he did agree, how he turned to and drank as if he would drown his pluck before it could come to anything." "Wait till you see him work.

'Mend this axle, me man, says one on 'em a top-sawyer be the looks on 'im 'mend this axle, and quick about it. 'Can't be done, my lord, says I. 'W'y not? says 'e, showin' 'is teeth savage-like.

What with dipping, port wine, bark, and Dr Buck, at the age of four years my limbs began to expand properly, and my countenance to assume the hue of health. I have recorded the death of my foster-sister Mary; but, about this time, the top-sawyer, wishing to perpetuate the dynasty of the Brandons, began to enact pater familias in a most reckless manner.

"They say that all the workshops will be shut to-morrow; not an order for a month past. They have got a top-sawyer from London there who addresses them every evening, and says that we have a right to four shillings a day wages, eight hours' work and two pots of ale." "A fair day's wage for a fair day's work," said Master Nixon.

He had shrewdness, knowledge of the world, common sense, and yet the one great object of his efforts was to be admitted into a class of society far above his own, and to find there an ideal lady with whom to pass the rest of his days. "I'll marry a top-sawyer," he used to say, whenever his uncle broached the question of his settlement in life.

Brandon was a top-sawyer, but, as three out of the six working days of the week he was to be found with a pot of porter by his side, pipe in mouth, and the skittle-ball in his hand, it is not surprising that there was much misery in his home, which he often heightened by his brutality.