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On such occasions I am dreadfully frightened, and very miserable; but all the same, I cannot help glancing across at Roger, with a sort of triumph in my eyes sort of told-you-so expression, from which it would have required a loftier nature than mine to refrain. And so the days go on, and I lose reckoning of time. I could hardly tell you whether it were day or night.

If all the British Association were to declare as much of any one man, we should hardly be inclined to swallow it; but when our sole authority in the matter is Master Timothy Told-you-so himself, it becomes a joke, and a very poor joke too. Let us just take stock of Timothy for a minute or two, to explain what we mean. He's in class, and the lesson is history.

Newton was, in his way, almost as fine a fellow as Timothy Told-you-so, and if Timothy would but stoop to have more of Newton's spirit, he might in time come to possess an atom or two of Newton's sense. Look at him! You could tell he was an untidy fellow at a single glance. One of his bootlaces is hanging loose, and the band of his scarf has slipped up above his collar.

It's delightful to think I have something to give her." "I will say it for the child," said Marilla when Anne had gone to her gable, "she isn't stingy. I'm glad, for of all faults I detest stinginess in a child. Dear me, it's only three weeks since she came, and it seems as if she'd been here always. I can't imagine the place without her. Now, don't be looking I told-you-so, Matthew.

Cardinal Gasparri's portrait, in the same issue of Le Journal, displays a countenance of serene contentment, a sort of incarnate "Told-you-so." So the Vatican lifts its pontifical skirts and shakes the dust of western Europe off its feet. It is the most astounding renunciation in history.

"I don't know. I don't admit that. I am not to be deprived of the rights of a freeborn American. The 'I told-you-so' is a fine balm for all sorts of wounds, rather more soothing to physician than patient, perhaps. Combined with the 'You-might-have-known-it, it gets up a wholesome blister in the least possible time, especially where 'a raw' has been established previously."

For most of that afternoon they paddled steadily up the brown river, the savages singing from time to time an unending sort of chant, that sounded like nothing so much as a continuous repetition of: "I-told-you-so. I-told-you-so. I told-YOU-SO." "Hum," commented Billy, "if anyone had told me so I'd have stayed in New York."

I figured you was about due in town," he said resignedly. "Aw, lay off that told-you-so stuff," Bud growled. "You never figured anything of the kind, and you know it." He pulled his heavy sweater down off a nail and put it on, scowling because the sleeves had to be pulled in place on his arms. "Too bad you can't wait a day. I figured we'd have a clean-up to-morrow, maybe.