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Meg was in a perfect fright lest he should guess right too soon; shrinking away, as she held the basket towards him; curling up her pretty shoulders; stopping her ear with her hand, as if by so doing she could keep the right word out of Toby's lips; and laughing softly the whole time.

Toft had made his appearance at Strides Cottage just after dusk, earnestly entreating to be allowed to replace the glass Toby's chestnut-shot had broken, for nothing yes, for nothing! if Widow Thrale was not inclined to go to fourpence for it. The reply was: "'Tis not the matter of the money, Master Toft.

He even developed a certain impudence in his attitude towards his master to which Saltash extended the same tolerance that he might have shown for the frolics of a favourite dog. He accepted Toby's services, but he never treated him wholly as a servant. It was an odd companionship which only the isolated life they led during those few days could have developed along those particular lines.

"Our last night on board!" he said, with a royal gesture of invitation. "You shall drink with me." Toby's face flushed burningly. He hung back. "Not not from your glass, sir!" he said. "Not liqueur!" "Why not? Afraid?" mocked Saltash. Toby was silent. His hand closed involuntarily upon the back of his master's chair. The flush died out of his face.

Darrel, was concerned in it. For examples of allusions to contemporary customs, see Sir Toby's mention of dances no longer known, 'Galliard, 'Coranto, etc. As an example of allusions to persons of that time, Sir Toby's reference to 'Mistress Mall's picture, Mary Frith, born in 1584, died in 1659, a notorious woman who used to go about in man's clothing and was the target for much abuse.

The similitude of the stile and manner of it, with those my father constantly had heard preached in his parish-church, was the ground of his conjecture, proving it as strongly, as an argument a priori could prove such a thing to a philosophic mind, That it was Yorick's and no one's else: It was proved to be so, a posteriori, the day after, when Yorick sent a servant to my uncle Toby's house to enquire after it.

The moment that he did this he saw the monkey throw something out into the road, and the next instant he also saw that he held something tightly clutched in his other paw. It required some little exertion and active movement on Toby's part to enable him to get hold of that paw, in order to discover what it was which Mr.

Lord's harsh voice had cried out his name, with no gentle tone, several times. Toby's first lesson with Mr.

Of their superiors, mistress Watson at least was of the same conviction. Then he bent his ear towards it as if he were listening, and it began to flutter its wings, at which sir Toby's faith in him began to waver. A moment more and he cast the creature from him. It flew aloft, traversed the whole length of the roof, and vanished.

It seemed to Toby as if the monkey understood just what he said to him, for he sneaked over into one corner, away from the other monkeys, and sat there looking very penitent and very dejected. Then, with a heavy heart, Toby began his day's work. Hard as had been Toby's lot previous to losing his money, and difficult as it had been to bear the cruelty of Mr. Job Lord and his precious partner, Mr.