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The Taj is erected in a beautiful garden, the gateway into which is perhaps the finest in India and is "a worthy pendant to the Taj itself." The garden is exquisitely laid out, with a view to setting off the unspeakable charms of that "dream of loveliness embodied in white marble." The Taj has well been described as a work "conceived by Titans and finished by jewellers."

Not his the love of sleek, gallant, and wanton youth; it was the love of man in his mature years, but of man to whom love till then had been unknown. In that large and dark and stormy nature all passions once admitted took the growth of Titans.

In our Glory's Pantheon Thy name will shine, a name immortal won By deeds immortal! In our heart's deep heart Thy statued fame, that never shall depart, Shall tower, the loftier as Time fleets, and show How Heaven can sometimes plant its Titans here below."

Then the bed-frame cracked under the strain of Titans fighting cracked creaked and utter silence fell. It lasted several minutes. Then the door opened and Narcissus came striding out. "He was strong," he remarked. "Look at this." He bared his arm and showed where Commodus had gripped him; the lithe muscle looked as if it had been gripped in an iron vise. He chafed it, wincing with pain.

The hollow was a cave of some Aladdin of the Titans ablaze with enchanted hoards. It was a place of gems ensorcelled, gems in which imprisoned hosts of the Jinns of Light beat sparkling against their crystal walls to escape. I thrust the fantasies from me.

Don't take Jonathan Edwards too seriously he means well, but we know more. We know we do not know anything, and he never got that far. The bracketing of the names of Shakespeare and Swedenborg is eminently well. They are Titans both. In the presence of such giants, small men seem to wither and blow away.

Our countryman, J. R. Lowell, has taken this story for the subject of one of his shorter poems. He introduces it thus: "Hear now this fairy legend of old Greece, As full of freedom, youth and beauty still, As the immortal freshness of that grace Carved for all ages on some Attic frieze." Oceanus and Tethys were the Titans who ruled over the watery element.

With Nature so vigorous and unsubdued about us, all conventionalities seemed swept away; and something fresh and strong awoke in us, as if it had long slumbered until the presence of its kindred in these mountain streams called it to consciousness, something of the force and freedom of these wild, tireless Titans, that poured down their white floods to the sea.

Like many other critics of Empire, her mouth had been stopped with food, and she could only exclaim at the hospitality with which she had been received, and warn the Mother Country against trifling with young Titans. "They threaten to cut the painter," she cried, "and where shall we be then? Miss Schlegel, you'll undertake to keep Henry sound about Tariff Reform? It is our last hope."

It was all a hard, gray, adamantine world, unlovely and severe a huge old gold furnace, minus heat or fire, lying neglected in a universe of mountains that might have been a workshop in the ancient days when Titans wrought their arts upon the earth. Beth gazed upon it all in wonder not unmingled with awe. What a place it was for man to live and wage his puny battles!