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This situation, imaginary or real, began to affect his nerves and he would undoubtedly have left had it not been for his mounting passion for Pearl, a passion fanned always to a more ardent flame by her tantalizing coquetries.

But, pore woman, she an' her baby both died thar in the fort befoh we got back." Abner Dudley, listening with fascinated attention, was thrilled into strange excitement by the tantalizing impression of his having once been, as a little boy, a spectator or a participator in just such an episode as Mr. Rogers was describing of the terror-stricken little family fleeing through the woods at night.

"I supposed you did," said Victoria, meekly. "Well, now, to come to the point " he began again. But she interrupted him by glancing at the watch on her gown, and rising. "What's the matter?" he asked, with some annoyance. "The fifteen minutes are up," she announced. "I cannot take the responsibility of detaining you." "We will put in tantalizing as another attractive quality," he laughed.

Then, presently, he threw oil the cloak of bitterness which sat so ill on him, and, resuming his usual kindliness and benignity of manner, succeeded in making himself unconsciously tantalizing. "If you do find it," he said; "and if you if you conclude to stay for any length of time, I think I will go down some time this winter and hunt you up."

The sombre green of pines, and the equally dark though glossy foliage of oaks, were beautifully enlivened by lighter greens, and by the brilliant hues of the sassafras-tree. Here climbed in tantalizing beauty tempting as insidious vice, which attracts but to destroy the poison-oak vine.

There is no evidence before the court that there ever was such a fight. The question is incompirrelvimmaterial." "S'tained!" said the judge. Beattie was satisfied. The arrow had been pulled out, but its poison remained. He made use of another of his tantalizing pauses, then: "It was shortly afterward that Mrs. Cheever divorced her husband, was it not?" "I 'bject," McNiven barked.

Being tolerably quick in observing, and putting things together, and unwilling to trust to intuitive judgments of what was safe or unsafe in the moral atmosphere, she set to work with all her wits, and not without some measure of success, to fathom the secrets of the tantalizing freemasonry which piqued her curiosity.

J.W. looked at his watch and saw that there was only ten minutes of the morning left. So they separated to get ready against the sounding of the dinner gong. But J.W. was not hungry. He was struggling with an old thought that to him had all the tantalizing quality of novelty. The talk of the morning had become a sort of roll-call of church boards.

Her color is dark and very rich, but it's more the coloring of the Spanish father than the Seminole mother. Altogether, she's more Spanish than Indian, I take it, though she's a tantalizing combination of each in instinct. Her grace is wild and Indian and she walks lightly and softly like a doe. Ann, her face haunts me.