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"Well, bad win to the bit of it he'd gi' me, and the ould chap begins bowin' and scrapin', and said something or other about a long tongs. "'Phoo! the divil swape yourself and your tongs, says I; 'I don't want a tongs at all at all; but can't you listen to raison? says I. 'Parly voo frongsay? "'We, munseer. "'Then lind me the loan of a gridiron, says I, 'and howld your prate.

"Now, ma'am, what's your ideas about swapin'? There's them that says, 'Swape aisy and not be gettin' the wools off the carpet. But them wools don't many of 'em come off the carpet. There's a plinty of 'em comes on bare floors that ain't swept regular. I says, 'A vigorous swapin' and no light brushin' except by a lady loike yoursilf as hasn't got strength." "Those are my ideas, too," said Mrs.

The keel is a tubby, grimy-looking craft, rounded fore and aft, with a single large square sail, which the keel-bullies, as the Tyne watermen are called, manage with great dexterity; the vessel being guided by the aid of theswape,” or great oar, which is used as a kind of rudder at the stern of the vessel.

"Bedad," she said aloud, "to-morrer I'll clane thim lamp-chimbleys and swape the bidrooms." The letter which Phoebe brought was a long and cordial one, in which Dora begged that Miriam would come and make her a visit of a few days. She said, moreover, that her brother was intending to call on Mr. Haverley and urge him to come to their house as frequently as he could during his sister's visit.

Why don't you sweep the floor and put things in place?" "Och! hinny, and how can I swape the floor without a brum?" said Bridget, looking up in some dismay. "Didn't my father order James to give you a broom whenever you want one?

"'Phoo! the divil swape yourself and your tongs, says I, 'I don't want a tongs at all at all; but can't you listen to raison, says I, 'Parly voo frongsay? "'We, munseer. "'Then lind me the loan of a gridiron, says I, 'and howld your prate.

And Manogi and all the Deasy women saw Miriamu, the teacher's daughter, come to the open window and make a face at them in derision. Peter and Schweicker looked at each other in speechless indignation. "The swape av the wurruld!" and Deasy dashed his pipe down at his feet and smashed it in small pieces, "to go to a native's house first an' white min sthandin' awaitin' his pleasure.

She was sweeping out the sombre room with such listless movements of her plump, red arms, that the moist tea-leaves on the floor scarce moved beneath the broom. "Sure, I niver see sich a cairpet as this in all me born days," she was saying. "If I was to swape till I fell prostitute, I'd niver git it clane." "Oh, don't bother about the work, Mary Ellen!" we cried.

"An' you're a dirty low swape av a Dutchman to let that woman av yours use a native wor-rud in the captain's hearin'," and Deasy banged his fellow-trader between the eyes, as at the same moment Manogi and Pati-lima sprang at each other like fiends, and twined their hands in each other's hair.

"Why, don't you know, Patsy," replied his friend, "that it manes our party have made a clane swape of the cowld-wather men?"