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Updated: August 11, 2024

Near by stopp'd at the house of W.T. Harris, the Hegelian, who came out, and we had a pleasant chat while I sat in the wagon. I shall not soon forget those Concord drives, and especially that charming Sunday forenoon one with my friend Miss M., and the white ponies. Oct. 10-13.

He that did wear this head, was one That pilgrims did misuse; He stopp'd their way, he spared none, But did them all abuse; Until that I, Great-heart, arose, The pilgrim's guide to be; Until that I did him oppose, That was their enemy. As they sat thus, and did eat, Christiana asked the guide if he had caught no hurt in the battle. Then said Mr.

By my fig! said she, swearing, I'll go no further And if I do, replied the other, they shall make a drum of my hide. And so with one consent they stopp'd thus Get on with you, said the abbess. Wh...ysh ysh cried Margarita. Sh...a shu..u shu..u shaw'd the abbess. Whu v w whew w w whuv'd Margarita, pursing up her sweet lips betwixt a hoot and a whistle.

I, like one thunderstruck, at the sentence, void of defence, fell upon the bed, and had not surviv'd the loss, if envy of my rival had not stopp'd my sword.

Now the Hobby-Horse which my uncle Toby always rode upon, was in my opinion an Hobby-Horse well worth giving a description of, if it was only upon the score of his great singularity; for you might have travelled from York to Dover, from Dover to Penzance in Cornwall, and from Penzance to York back again, and not have seen such another upon the road; or if you had seen such a one, whatever haste you had been in, you must infallibly have stopp'd to have taken a view of him.

But if it work singly of itself, and by help of the Sun without admixtion of either Leaven or Yeast, it may be kept long in the Barrel, so it be filled up to the top, and kept very close stopp'd. Let these infuse 30 or 40 hours.

The Minster bell tolls out Above the city's rout And noise and humming They've stopp'd the chiming bell, I hear the organ's swell She's coming, she's coming! My lady comes at last, Timid and stepping fast, And hastening hither, With modest eyes downcast. She comes she's here she's past. May Heaven go with her! Kneel undisturb'd, fair saint, Pour out your praise or plaint Meekly and duly.

"He stopp'd to t' leaders' meeting. He'll be along in a little bit." "Can he bring a wool-comber's suit and apron, and be at the gates, here, with-his tax-cart in a couple of hours?" "Yes; I know he can." "Martha, can you get me some bread and meat, without any one knowing?" "Ay; I can. Mary'll be up stairs wi' t' baby, I'se warrant.

Wretch that I am, cried she, throwing herself upon a Sopha, here her Sighs stopp'd her Voice, that she could not proceed. Jeflur was struck with Amazement, and knew not what to think of such Emotions. He dried her Tears, he inlarged his Promises, and particularly vowed he would make her rich Amends for the Vexation she suffered on his Account.

Went to the Concord battle ground, which is close by, scann'd French's statue, "the Minute Man," read Emerson's poetic inscription on the base, linger'd a long while on the bridge, and stopp'd by the grave of the unnamed British soldiers buried there the day after the fight in April, '75. I got out and went up of course on foot, and stood a long while and ponder'd.

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