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Corporal Victor Stier, seeing a Russian machine gun abandoned by the panic-stricken Russians in charge of same, rushed forward and manning this gun single-handed opened up a terrific fire on the advancing line. While performing this heroic task he was shot through the jaw by an enemy bullet. Still clinging to his gun he refused to leave it until ordered to the rear by his commanding officer.

Thus, it is not enough to say that although the diffusion of evil in God's intelligent creatures is like the diffusion of leaven in the dough, Jesus may notwithstanding employ the same analogy to indicate how grace grows: we may proceed further and affirm, as Stier has ingeniously suggested, that because evil has often been compared to leaven in the manner of its advance, Jesus adopts that similitude to illustrate the aggressive, pervasive power of the truth.

MASTER MASON. The forts are taken. RUODI. And we of Uri, do we still endure Upon our native soil the tyrant's keep? Are we the last to strike for liberty? MASTER MASON. Shall the yoke stand that was to bow our necks? Up! Tear it to the ground! ALL. Down, down with it! RUODI. Where is the Stier of Uri? URI. Here. What would ye?

"If the robbers had seized the Samaritan before he was able to accomplish his design, his work would have been accomplished in the sight of God; and if the priest and Levite had given help on account of approaching spectators, it would have been of no value." Stier.

Lange's view on this point seems sound and consistent; while both Olshausen and Stier endeavour with much pain but little fruit, to prove that the foolish represent true but defective disciples. "One part of the Church is living, while the other lives only in appearance, because it lives only to appearance." Lange.

There is a miraculous seed superior indeed to all natural seed, so powerful that by its growth it can and will choke all thorns. Nay more, it can also break through the rock in striking its root down into the earth, and can make that to be again a field of God which was a way for the feet of the prince of this world." Stier in loc.

His place here is rather to be sought in his thus authoritatively testifying of the Father's mercy. As Nitzsch excellently says: 'If he seems to conceal himself here, he is all the more manifest there, where the Shepherd seeks the lost sheep. We may also say with Von Gerlach that the 'coming out of the father to meet his son, here figuratively exhibits the sending of the Son." Stier in loc.

No tellin' how many little black folks dey was. "My mammy was Ellen Stier an' my pappy was Jordon Stier. He was bought to dis country by a slave dealer from Nashville, Tennessee. Dey traveled all de way through de Injun Country on afoot. Dey come on dat Trace road. Twant nothin' but a Injun Trail. "When dey got to Natchez de slaves was put in de pen 'tached to de slave markets.

"In the centre of all lies the profound thought, that in God and Christ love is one with self-interest, and self-interest one with love; no such contrariety existing between them as is found in the case of man." Stier, Words of the Lord. The shepherd left the ninety and nine for the sake of the one that had wandered. I find no difficulty in the interpretation of the parable here.

While Stier and Trench seem to start with the same principle of interpretation on this subject, they are led ultimately to opposite practical results.