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Updated: August 16, 2024

The story of Orpheus has furnished Pope with an illustration of the power of music, for his Ode for St. Cecelia's Day. The following stanza relates the conclusion of the story: "But soon, too soon the lover turns his eyes; Again she falls, again she dies, she dies! How wilt thou now the fatal sisters move? No crime was thine, if 'tis no crime to love.

And so we reach in stanza 51 the same result which, in stanza 47, was deduced from a different range of considerations. +Stanza 52,+ 1. 1. The One remains, the many change and pass. See the notes on stanzas 42 and 43. 'The One' is the same as 'the One Spirit' in stanza 43 the Universal Mind. Heaven's light for ever shines, earth's shadows fly.

The epistle concluded with a stanza, in which the two leaders were stigmatized as partners in a slaughter-house; one being employed to drive in the cattle for the other to butcher.

"'Tommy Linn is a Scotchman born, His head is bald and his beard is shorn; He had a cap made of a hare skin, An elder man is Tommy Limn! "There was a sort of prophecy respecting my ancestor's descendants darkly insinuated in the concluding stanza of this ballad: "'Tommy Linn, and his wife, and his wife's mother, They all fell into the fire together; They that lay undermost got a hot skin,

This is Shelley; a sentimentalist pure and simple; incapable of anything like inductive reasoning; unable to take cognisance of any facts but those which please his taste, or to draw any conclusion from them but such as also pleases his taste; as, for example, in that eighth stanza of the "Ode to Liberty," which, had it been written by any other man but Shelley, possessing the same knowledge as he, one would have called a wicked and deliberate lie but in his case, is to be simply passed over with a sigh, like a young lady's proofs of table-turning and rapping spirits.

For of the soul the body form doth take: For soul is form, and doth the body make." But Spenser, it is clear, never saw Mrs. Conrady. These poets, we find, are no safe guides in philosophy; for here, in his very next stanza but one, is a saving clause, which throws us all out again, and leaves us as much to seek as ever:

That stanza, as it stands above, does not occur in any of the extant quasi-originals. 'Mrs. Brown's MS., from which, as Professor Child says, with almost silent reproach, Scott took his text, 'with some forty small changes, reads 'King Easter has courted her for her gowd, King Wester for her fee, King Honour for her lands sae braid, And for her fair bodie. Now this is clearly wrong.

"Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Lie in three words: health, peace, and competence." He used to quote Burns's stanza about the desirableness of wealth: "Not to hide it in a hedge, Nor for a train attendant; But for the glorious privilege Of being independent."

To be a man only a man how great that is!" His voice died away, and with it the sweet, soothing spell. Fire glowed in Melisselda's breast, heaving her bosom, shooting sparks from her eyes. "Nay, if thou art only a man, thou art not even a man. My love is dead." As he shrank beneath her contempt, another stanza of his ancient song sang itself involuntarily in his brain. Never had he seen her thus.

And then, with a sheepish air that set me a-smiling, Joseph Runnles, my bedfellow, the little silent man of whom I have spoken, drew out of his pocket the parts of a flute, and putting them together, set it to his lips and accompanied Joe through the next stanza, picking up the tune with a facility that spoke well for his musical ear.

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