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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Grandma," said she, "I'm having a playtime, you know, 'cause there can't anybody stop to fix my work. But mother says after the holidays I'm going to have a stint every day." "That's right, dear. Now thee may run down and get me a skein of red yarn thee will find on the top shelf in the nursery closet."

No wonder the intellectual web is so rent and tattered as we see it; and that so many of our best heads are no better than a puzzled skein of silk, all perplexity, all confusion within-side.

Many cats, as Dickie noted, meditated in sunny corners, or prowled in the open with truly official composure. Over all stretched a square of bluest sky, crossed by a skein of homeward-wending rooks. While above the roofs, on either side the archway, the high-lying lands of the park showed up, broken, here and there, by clumps of trees. Mr. Chifney slipped out of the saddle.

She laid down her poor wan cheek on the merciful old book, as on her mother's breast, and gave up all the tangled skein of life into the hands of Infinite Pity. There seemed a consoling presence in the room, and her tired heart found rest. She wiped away her tears, kissed her children, and smiled upon them.

"Perfectly," said Lys. A delicate color touched her cheeks and neck. She held up the little garment, all fluffy with misty lace and wrought with quaint embroidery. "It is very gorgeous," said I; "don't use your eyes too much, dearest. May I smoke a pipe?" "Of course," she said selecting a skein of pale blue silk.

Nothing should prevent her from going; nothing should rob her of this one precious moment perhaps the last when she could speak out the thoughts that were in her. After that, she would be passive; she would bear anything. But she had scarcely sat down with a skein of yellow silk on her hands, when Miss Assher said, graciously, 'I know you have an engagement with Captain Wybrow this morning.

Over the roofs of Kensington a haze was beginning to make itself visible, as impalpable as a skein of smoke; yet there it was. She felt a little languid, too. Perhaps she had walked too far. She would rest a little after lunch, if dearest Maud did not mind; for dearest Maud was to lunch with her, as was usual on Sundays when the Colonel was away.

"Oh, we'll pray the saints to rain it back on him some day," cried Don Ippolito with willful levity, and the stream leaped into the moonlight and seemed to hang there like a tangled skein of silver. "But how shall I shut it off when you are gone?" asked the young girl, looking ruefully at the floating threads of splendor. "Oh, I will shut it off before I go," answered Don Ippolito.

At last she threw it into the middle of the floor, crying: 'Oh, Percinet! this fatal skein will be the death of me if you will not forgive me and help me once more. And immediately in came Percinet as easily as if he had all the keys in his own possession. 'Here I am, Princess, as much as ever at your service, said he, 'though really you are not very kind to me.

Have a skein of the best, and some new buttons for the coat, and this is a good idea, Peg, and one you'll like, I know as I have never given her anything yet, and girls like such attentions, you shall polish up a sparking necklace that I have got upstairs, and I'll give it her upon the wedding morning clasp it round her charming little neck myself and take it away again next day. He, he, he!

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