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Updated: August 22, 2024

Ruferton was never surprised. He twirled his shell-rimmed glasses at the end of their broad tape and nodded. "And you find yourself at this juncture short of just the requisite balance though you know where it is held?" Mr. Ruferton always made a point of anticipating his client's next statement if possible. It was a small thing, but at times valuable.

After that, though " "Don't mention it," says I. "I mean, much obliged," and I backs off hasty before she can change her mind. I had to kill time while Vee was dividin' a couple dances between two young shrimps; so I sidles into a corner where Ferdie sits behind his shell-rimmed glasses, lookin' bored and lonesome. "Now don't you wish you'd gone and had your feet educated?" says I. Ferdie yawns.

I've never run into debt or spent any of my capital. But..." Maria began to feel anxious and took off the large round shell-rimmed spectacles that enlarged stitches and print. "Yes?" "You know I had bonds about forty thousand dollars' worth those that mother left: I spent those that Ballinger and Geary gave me on the house and one thing and another." "Yes?" Mrs. Abbott was now alarmed.

Randy, modest beyond belief. Randy, in his hotel at midnight walking the floor with his head held high, and saying to himself, "I've done it." It seemed to him that, of course, it could not be true. The young editor who had eyed him through shell-rimmed glasses had said, "There's going to be a lot of hard work ahead to keep up to this " Randy, in his room, laughed at the thought of work.

But he did not finish. Quick staccato footsteps were heard. Then a strange vision burst upon them Jonathan Radbourne accoutered for motoring, in visored cap and duster, with a huge pair of shell-rimmed goggles that sat grotesquely athwart his beaming countenance. On one arm he carried a veil and another coat. "Ready?"

With him, she was still in the stage of unsentimental frankness that pierced ruthlessly to what she conceived to be the realities; and because she was as unselfconscious as a tree, she was entirely indifferent to the fact that Johnny was a boy and she was a girl, Johnny, however, nearsighted and in enormous shell-rimmed spectacles, and still inarticulate, was quite aware of it; more definitely so every week, for he saw her on Saturdays and Sundays.

Her gray suit represented a compromise between fashion and her mother's opinion of decorum, thus attaining a length and fulness not enough for grace yet too much for jauntiness. Her solemn gray hat was set too squarely upon the pale-brown hair, brushed back from her forehead. Her nice, young-girl's eyes looked out through a pair of shell-rimmed spectacles.

Randy, modest beyond belief. Randy, in his hotel at midnight, walking the floor with his head held high, and saying to himself, "I've done it." It seemed to him that, of course, it could not be true. The young editor who had eyed him through shell-rimmed glasses had said, "There's going to be a lot of hard work ahead to keep up to this " Randy, in his room, laughed at the thought of work.

Then I combined ironing and seeing what was what. If a garment was very dampand most of them werethe press had to be locked several seconds before being released, to dry it out. During those seconds one's eyes were free to wander. On my left, next the door, worked a colored girl with shell-rimmed spectacles, very friendly, whose name was Irma. Of Irma later.

Another hymn followed, and a prayer from a solemn-looking boy in shell-rimmed spectacles. It was a good prayer, but the young man wore also that air of reticence that characterized the girl on the other side of the room, as if he were not a part of these young people, had nothing in common with them.

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