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With calm scrutiny he took in every detail, including the serviettes as they lay folded in their rings on the waiting dinner-table, and before he left the homestead he expressed his approval in the Quarters: "Got everything up to the knocker, haven't they ?" he said. "Often heard toffs decorated their tables with rags in hobble rings, but never believed it before."

By now he was conscious of his limitations as a host, and never attempted to entertain ladies in his lodgings. Moreover, the Union seemed less intimate. It had a faint flavour of a London club; it marked the undergraduate's nearest approach to the great world. Amid its waiters and serviettes one felt impersonal, and able to conceal the private emotions.

"I saw the old man's death in the paper your brother Lionel became the bart." "Yes, poor beggar, I don't hate him half so much as I did. He reminds me of a man invited to dinner which is nothing but flowers and serviettes and silver plate." "I'd pawn the plate, anyhow," said Peter, with a little laugh. "He can't touch anything, I tell you; everything's tied up." "Ah, well, he'll get tied up, too.

There were dishes enough and clean, too, and spotless serviettes, but no display of porcelain and silver was necessary, for the food was a sufficient attraction. Madame was all for action. If you did not order quickly she did so for you, taking it for granted that a wavering mind indicated a palate that called for arbitrary treatment. She had a machine gun tongue on occasion.

He's gone to get the tickets." "Where did you meet him?" "In the Green Park." "When?" "About a month ago." "Was he going to marry you?" "Yes." "What did you do to the serviettes on the night Sir Charles died?" "Oh, my God! I didn't do anything to hurt him I didn't do anything to hurt him!" "Answer me." "Sidney " "Oh, he called himself Sidney, did he? It isn't his name. But go on."

So he took his place at a small square table close to the desk, intended probably for casual comers, for the two clean serviettes were unadorned with rings.

To the seasoned campaigner roughing it on the Karoo our fare, plenty of it, might seem good, luxurious even; but to us, with very little of it, surrounded by the civilising influences of knives and forks, serviettes, plates, teapots, no end of pepper and insufficient salt it wore a different aspect and seemed anything but luxurious.

She told me all her husband could eat and couldn't eat; she called her children 'little tots, and said she couldn't get so much as a 'serviette' washed in the house. I thought nobody talked of serviettes outside Wells and Arnold Bennett. Mrs. Duff-Whalley rescued me in the nick of time before I could do anything desperate, and then she cross-examined me as to my reasons for coming to Priorsford."

James appeared like magic with a tray, glasses, and tiny serviettes, and the Colonel's elixir was passed to the company. "To your beautiful eyes, Mrs. Poundstone," was Pennington's debonair toast as he fixed Mrs. P.'s green orbs with his own. "Poundstone, your very good health, sir." "Dee-licious," murmured Mrs. Poundstone. "Perfectly dee-licious. And not a bit strong!"

I made great pace, scrambled into my clothes helter-skelter, and appeared at table when the others had been seated and unfolded their serviettes.