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With her fingers groping at last into the actual shutters of that coveted ballroom window, she scrunched her eyes up perfectly tight for an instant and then opened them, staring wide at the entrancing scene before her. "O h!" said little Eve Edgarton. "O h!" The scene was certainly the scene of a most madcap summer carnival. Palms of the far December desert were there!

The other men gathered round me in the corner, drinking, while I scrunched down so that the orderly passed on and out still shouting my name. I fled to the tent and was hastily getting my things together when a corporal came hot-foot saying that the officer wanted me at once. I went in, gave him my very best regimental salute and stood at attention.

The night was quite clear of fog, strange to say, considering the late sea-mist; but a strong wind had been blowing all day and the fog-wreaths were entirely dispersed. A full moon rode amongst a galaxy of stars, which twinkled like diamonds. The air was frosty, and their feet scrunched the earth and grasses and coarse herbage under foot, as they made rapidly for the embankment.

Oh, dear! it was very long sitting in the dark, scrunched up behind those cans. He must tell himself stories to pass the time; and he started to relate the interminable legend of Cocky-locky and Henny-Penny who by their superior subtlety evaded the snares set for them by Toddy-Loddy the fox. He felt a sort of kinship with those harried fowls.

Field and garden, tree and cottage, time-mellowed house suggesting story, kind hedgerow hiding hideousness beyond the few spots yet in that doomed land lingering to remind one of the sunshine, one by one had he scrunched them between his ugly teeth.

"No," said Polly, with a little shiver, "it wasn't me. Go on, Joey." "Well, it scrunched an' it swished, and it didn't stop, so then I looked around." "O dear me!" exclaimed Polly, throwing one arm around Joel, and drawing him to her. Little Davie sat up quite straight and folded his hands. "And he was sticking up his head behind the potato bag, looking at me just like this."

War, domestic broils, massacres that left a bloody stain on his glory, busied his hands for the remaining years of his life; and January of 1725 found the palaces of all the Russias hushed, for the Hercules who had scrunched all opposition like a giant lay dying, ashamed to consult a physician, vanquished of his own vices, calling on Heaven for pity with screams of pain that drove physicians and attendants from the room.

'But I can't bear to see you so, my dear. 'Nonsense! Recollect we are not our old selves. Recollect, we must scrunch or be scrunched. Recollect, we must hold our own. Recollect, money makes money. Don't you be uneasy, Bella, my child; don't you be doubtful. The more I save, the more you shall have.

He was scrunched painfully up in a chair till he looked just like this here French metal statue called Lee Penser, which in our language means "The Thinker." I let him think, not having the heart to prong him again so quick.

Well Sir, would you believe it, there's that in Mr Pontifex's face which is just like young Watkins; he looks that worrited and scrunched up at times, but it's never for the same reason, for he don't know nothing at all, no more than a unborn babe, no he don't; why there's not a monkey going about London with an Italian organ grinder but knows more than Mr Pontifex do.