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Order your trunks to be packed at once, don't forget the rubies my mother promised you, and I will have a conversation with the judge." Judge Thomas Sandal was by no means a bad fellow. He had left Sandal-Side under a sense of great injustice, but he had done well to himself; and those who had done him wrong, had disappeared into the cloud of death.

"Acting for Squire Sandal, I would be a middling bad sort of a lawyer to give you his name. Eh?" "You are talking in riddles, sir." "Eh! But I always read my riddles, Mr. Sandal. I am here to take possession of house and land, for the real heir of Sandal-Side." "I bought his right, as you know very well. You have Harry Sandal's own acknowledgment." "Eh?

Indeed, he was not inclined at any time to share sorrow out of which he had escaped. Every mile which he put between himself and Sandal-Side gave back to him something of his old gay manner.

"I am astonished he does not want five thousand pounds. Father, I would not send him a sovereign of it. Julius told me about his carryings-on." She could hardly have said any words so favorable to Harry's cause. The squire was on the defensive for his own side in a moment. "What has Julius to do with it?" he cried. "Sandal-Side is not his property, and please God it never will be.

For God's sake, do not speak of his death." "I am supposing a case. You would then be squire of Sandal-Side. Would you return there with Beatrice?" "Ah, no! I know what those Dalesmen are. My father's feelings were only their feelings intensified by his relation to me. They would look upon me as my father's murderer, and Beatrice as an accessory to the deed."

"There's men that want Indian ryots or negro slaves to do their turn. I want free men at Sandal-Side as long as I am squire of that name." "They missed you sorely in the fields, father. It was not shearing-time, nor hay-time, nor harvest-time to any one in Sandal this year. But you will stand in your meadows again God grant it! next summer. And then how the men will work!

I suppose it is the young lady I saw you walking with this morning." And Harry blushed like a girl as he gravely nodded his head. "Does she live here?" "She will for the future." "And you must go back to your regiment?" "Almost immediately." "Too bad! Too bad! Why not leave the army?" "I I have thought of that; but unless I returned to Sandal-Side, my father would be angry beyond every thing."

"And I am so poor I cannot get her the change of air, the luxuries, the medicines, which would at least prolong life, and make death easy." "Go back with me to Sandal-Side, and see the squire: he may listen to you now." "Never more! It was cruel of father to take my marriage in such a way. He turned my life's joy into a crime, cursed every hour that was left me."

"But I cannot give him this money, Alice. I have not realized on my wool and wheat yet. I cannot coin money. I will not beg or borrow it. I will not mortgage an acre for it." "And you will let your only son the heir of Sandal-Side, go to jail and disgrace for five hundred pounds. I never heard tell of such cruelty. Never, never, never!" "You do not know what you are saying, Alice.

Agnes Bulteel came to assist; but the work promised to be so tedious, that the marriage-day was postponed until July. In the mean time, Julius spent his time between Oxford and Sandal-Side. Every visit was distinguished by some rich or rare gift to his bride, and he always felt a pleasure in assuring himself that Charlotte was consumed with envy and regret.