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I'd neither health of body nor peace of mind now, thank the Lord for it, I enjoy both." "Have you heard, Sammul?" asked Betty, she tried to finish her sentence but could not, and the tears kept dropping on to her hands, as she bowed down her head in the vain endeavour to conceal them. "She's thinking of her poor mother," said John in a soothing tone.

"Ay," said his sister; "he's gotten a beard to his face, and he's taller and browner like, but his eye's the same he's our Sammul, sure enough. You'll not be for flitting again for a-while," she said, looking at him half playfully and half in earnest. "No," he replied; "I've had flitting enough for a bit. But eh, Betty, you've growed yourself into a gradely woman.

And this is your husband, I reckon, and these are your childer; have you any more?" "No," said John Walters; "these two are all. Well, you're heartily welcome, Samuel. I'm glad to see you. Betty'll leave fretting now." "Ay, and fayther too," cried Betty. "O Sammul, I am so glad to see you.

If you'll be guided by me, you'll just take a drop of good ale, it'll liven you up a bit; you want summat of the sort, or you'll shrivel up till you've nothing but skin on your bones." "Ale!" cried Thomas, indignantly; "ale'll not make me better ale won't make me forget ale won't bring back our Sammul, it's driven him far enough away."

Every eye was flashing, and every tongue in full exercise, when Johnson entered. "Well, Thomas," said his wife, "I thought you were down at the `George. Our Betty's not so well, so she's gone up into the chamber to lay her down a bit; and I've just been axing a neighbour or two to come in and have a bit of a talk over our Sammul.

"Have you seen anything of our Sammul?" These words were addressed in a very excited voice to a tall rough-looking collier, who, with Davy-lamp in hand, was dressed ready for the night-shift in the Bank Pit of the Langhurst Colliery. Langhurst was a populous village in the south of Lancashire.

They're nearly starved to death afore reckoning-day comes; and with all their good wage they cannot make things reach and tie." "Well, I must wish you good night now," said Johnson, rising to go. "I suppose I can do nothing about our Sammul but have patience."