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I recognized her by her perfume before I had even seen her. What delightful things good perfumes are!" "What is it? Is it heliotrope or jessamine?" asked Yvonne d'Etaples, sniffing in the air. "No it is only orris-root nothing but orris-root; but she puts it everywhere about her in the hem of her petticoat, in the lining of her dress. She lives, one might say, in the middle of a sachet.

Arkwright thought her eyes wonderful; the sweet, powerful yet delicate odor of the lilac sachet powder with which her every garment was saturated set upon his senses like a love-philter. "Yes, you are finer and nobler than most women," he said giddily. "And that's why it distresses me to hear you talk even in jest, as if you could marry Josh."

There was still no sound from below. Then he drew the curtains apart, as Marette had drawn them. Only he looked longer. He would tell her about it when she returned, if the act needed an apology. His impression was a man's impression. What he saw was a billowing, filmy mass of soft stuff, and out of it there greeted him the faintest possible scent of lilac sachet powder.

This has been called a "sachet bag" or "scent-pocket," and though not very ornamental to look at, is of more use to it than the most beautiful white pearl of the border. For this is the battery of its wireless telegraph.

At the mention of the workbag, Phronsie had gently pulled Polly's arm. But Polly was too deep in thought to notice, and she wrinkled her brows, and bent her head again in her hands. What could it possibly be that Clem was to make? "Well, I think it is a sachet bag, then," she said at last. "An old sachet bag, when all the girls are making oceans of 'em!

And he returned to his own room with a curious sense of peace. If one didn't choose to see, one needn't. And he did not choose in future he did not choose. There was nothing to be gained by it nothing! Opening the drawer he took from the sachet a handkerchief, and the framed photograph of Fleur.

You will not perhaps be able to find your pocket-handkerchiefs at first. They are in this sachet; my sister made it herself. Mr. Rodney says you are to be called at eight o'clock and breakfast at nine. I think everything is right. Good-night, Mr. Endymion." The Rodney household was rather a strange one.

I caught a faint odour of violet sachet. 'So that's Latin, is it? It looks hard. You do go to the theatre sometimes, though, for I've seen you there. Don't you just love a good play, Jim? I can't stay at home in the evening if there's one in town. I'd be willing to work like a slave, it seems to me, to live in a place where there are theatres. 'Let's go to a show together sometime.

It was his sachet of musk, his flask of eau-de-Cologne. Perfumed to his liking, he would rise, shake himself, and proceed on his way, delighted with his toilet. Do not let us scold him, and above all do not let us discuss the matter. There are all kinds of tastes in a world. Why should there not be insects with similar habits among the amateurs of corpse-like savours?

For the first time she had his whole attention, in the degree to which she was accustomed to having it. "Did you? What was it?" he asked with interest. "A sachet. A little blue silk bag of orris-root powder. There was a whole counterful of them, marked down to fifty cents. I'd never seen any before, and they seemed irresistible. I took one up and wandered about the store with it.