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Imperat aut servit; if you can wield it with a strong arm, it is a great weapon; otherwise, Vis consili expers Mole ruit suâ. You will be overwhelmed, like Tarpeia, by the heavy wealth which you have exacted from tributary generations. Instances abound; there are authors who are as pointless as they are inexhaustible in their literary resources.

And in strict conformity with these obvious distinctions, it will be found that, so far as we are able to reduce scientific men of anti-Catholic opinions to the type of the imaginary bookworm to whom I have been alluding, we do actually use them in our schools. Vix defessa senem passus componere membra, Cum clamore ruit magno, manicisque jacentem Occupat.

When the Czar, by his malevolent obstinacy, finally brought these two men to accord, it was deemed needful to adopt various devices in order to shatter the forces which Russian diplomacy had succeeded in piling up in its own path. But here again we are reminded of the Horatian precept Vis consili expers mole ruit sua.

"H...., in his distraction, had the air of a sly fox inwardly smiling at his own knavish thoughts. Ruit irrevocabile vulgus... Jusque Datum sceleri." "Are you keeping silent?" "Of what use is my glass of wine in this torrent of ardent spirits?" All this is very well, but he did not merely keep silent and abstain.

This is what is to be examined, and by that you are to judge of the vast differences betwixt man and man. Is he: "Sapiens, sibique imperiosus, Quern neque pauperies, neque mors, neque vincula terrent; Responsare cupidinibus, contemnere honores Fortis; et in seipso totus teres atque rotundus, Externi ne quid valeat per laeve morari; In quem manca ruit semper fortuna?"

Recollect old Horace, ‘Suis et ipsa Roma viribus ruit.’ He was a prophet. If she falls, it is by her own hand.” “I agree,” said Cornelius; “certainly, to set up any new worship is treason; not a doubt of it. The gods keep us from such ingratitude! We have grown great by means of them, and they are part and parcel of the law of Rome.

Meanwhile the beautiful autumnal afternoon wore gradually away, and the sun went down behind the Cumberland Mountains, throwing a flood of golden light over the really picturesque landscape. Virgil's charming line involuntarily crossed my mind: "Sol ruit interea, et montes umbrantur opaci."

Then raising his great shining eyes to Don Clemente's face, he said, "Hora ruit." And he resumed: "Let each one perform his religious duties as the Church prescribes, according to strict justice and with perfect obedience. Do not give your union a name, or speak collectively, or draw up rules, beyond those I have dictated! Love one another, love is enough. Communicate with one another.

There one age is the parent of another; the elements and principles of its political system are brought out into a variety of powers with mutual relations; external events act and react with domestic affairs; manners and views change; excess of prosperity becomes the omen of misfortune to come; till in the words of the poet, "Suis et ipsa Roma viribus ruit."

Still greater innovations are now in contemplation, in violation of law and usage, and in defiance of prescriptive right, royal charters, and parliamentary statutes. Audax omnia perpeti, Gens humana ruit per vetitum nefas.* * The materials for this slight sketch have been gathered from Norton's "History and Franchises of the City of London;" Dr.