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Updated: August 16, 2024

Blankenburg, the author of the treatise on the novel to which reference has been made, was regarded by contemporary and subsequent criticism as an imitator of Sterne in his oddly titled novelBeyträge zur Geschichte des teutschen Reiches und teutscher Sitten,” although the general tenor of his essay, in reasonableness and balance, seemed to promise a more independent, a

"Berlin als Haupstadt des deutchen Reiches: in mancher Beziehung hatte es sich dem weltstädtischen Charakter doch noch nicht aneignen können." After some years of acquaintance with Germany as school-boy, as student at the universities, and lately as a most hospitably received guest by all sorts and conditions of men, I do not remember meeting a fop.

Her person and property are inviolate. "Given At Our Headquarters at Metz "Friedrich Wilhelm "Kronprinz des "Deutschen Reiches." Across the signature was the impress of a green stamp, lozenge-shaped, inscribed "Headquarters of the Fifth Army, General Staff, 21st September, 1914." On the back of the slip was a detailed description of Nur-el-Din.

The best and most thorough work in English is J. R. Seeley, Life and Times of Stein, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age, 2 vols. . Standard German works, all highly patriotic in tone: Ludwig Haeusser, Deutsche Geschichte vom Tode Friedrichs des Grossen bis zur Gruendung des deutschen Bundes, 4th ed., 4 vols. ; K. T. von Heigel, Deutsche Geschichte vom Tode Friedrichs des Grossen bis zur Aufloesung des alten Reiches, 2 vols.

III , ch. iv; A. H. Lybyer, The Government of the Ottoman Empire in the Time of Suleiman the Magnificent ; Stanley Lane-Poole, Turkey in the "Story of the Nations" Series; Nicolae Jorga, Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches; Leopold von Ranke, Die Osmanen und die spanische Monarchie im sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert; Joseph von Hammer, Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches, 2d ed., 4 vols.

II, ch. xi, xii; far more pretentious works are, Joseph von Hammer, Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches, 2d ed., 4 vols. II, 1451-1538, and H. A. Gibbons, The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire , covering the earlier years, from 1300 to 1403. Five hundred years ago a European could search in vain the map of "the world" for America, or Australia, or the Pacific Ocean.

III, IV, the best and most up-to- date history of the Ottoman Empire; Joseph von Hammer, Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches, 10 vols. VI-VIII treat of the eighteenth century prior to 1774.

On Turkey: Stanley Lane- Poole, Turkey , in the "Story of the Nations" Series, and E. A. Freeman, The Ottoman Power in Europe, its Nature, its Growth, and its Decline , suggestive outlines by eminent English historians; Nicolae Jorga, Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches, 5 vols.

Barbarossa had once more proved to the world that the Turkish fleet was invincible. The flag of Suleymān floated supreme in all the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Von Hammer, Gesch. d. Osm. Reiches, ii. 142. Hājji Khalīfa, 58. Jurien de la Gravière, Doria et Barberousse, Pt. II., ch. xlii.-xlv.; Hājji Khalīfa, 62; Von Hammer, ii. 155; Morgan, 290.

Proceeding to expand this idea, Döllinger again describes Cromwell as the annunciator of the doctrine of the inviolability of conscience, so vast in its significance to the modern world, and adds: "Es war damals von weittragender Bedeutung, dass der Beherrscher eines mächtigen Reiches diese neue Lehre verkündete, die dann noch fast anderthalb Jahrhunderte brauchte, bis sie in der öffentlichen Meinung so erstarkte, dass auch ihre noch immer zahlreichen Gegner sich vor ihr beugen müssen.

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