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So S. Lane-Poole, writing from Church's papers, English Historical Review, v., 519. Hertslet, Map of Europe by Treaty, p. 142. Wellington, Despatches, etc., vi., 184. See the letters in the Annual Register, lxxii. , 389-401. The year that elapsed between the prorogation of parliament on June 24, 1829, and the death of George IV., on June 26, 1830, was barren in events of domestic importance.

This contains a full bibliography. THE NAVY OF VENICE, Alethea Wiel, 1910. BARBARY CORSAIRS, Story of the Nations Series, Lane-Poole, 1890. GEOGRAPHY AND WORLD POWER, James Fairgrieve, 1917. From the days of the Phœnicians to the close of the 15th century, all trade between Europe and Asia crossed the land barrier east of the Mediterranean.

For the Ottoman Turks and the Balkan peoples: Stanley Lane-Poole, Turkey , in "Story of the Nations" Series, best brief introduction; A. H. Lybyer, The Government of the Ottoman Empire in the Time of Suleiman the Magnificent ; Prince and Princess Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, The Servian People, their Past Glory and their Destiny, 2 vols. , particularly Vol.

From 'Arabian Society in the Middle Ages, by S. Lane-Poole, I take the following notices of this place: El Asmaï has narrated of a man of Hadhramout that he said: 'We find near Barahout an extremely disgusting and foetid smell, and then news is brought to us of the death of a great man of the chiefs of the infidels.

Lane-Poole says: "Travellers stand amazed among the forest of columns which open out apparently endless vistas on all sides.

Stanley Lane-Poole says finely: It "has the true desert ring in it;.. the translator has carried us among the Bedawin tents, and breathed into us the strong air of the desert, till we fancy we can hear the rich voice of the Blessed Prophet himself as he spoke to the pilgrims on Akabah." In his letter to Payne of 23rd December 1882, Burton adumbrates a visit eastward.

III , ch. iv; A. H. Lybyer, The Government of the Ottoman Empire in the Time of Suleiman the Magnificent ; Stanley Lane-Poole, Turkey in the "Story of the Nations" Series; Nicolae Jorga, Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches; Leopold von Ranke, Die Osmanen und die spanische Monarchie im sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert; Joseph von Hammer, Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches, 2d ed., 4 vols.

History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks, 20. Hājji Khalīfa, 21. Jurien de la Gravière, Doria et Barberousse, Pt. I., ch. xv. See the Story of Turkey, 158-163. See S. Lane-Poole, The Art of the Saracens, 239, &c. Doria et Barberousse, Pt. II., ch. vii. Ibid., Pt. II., ch. vii., p. 106 ff. See the Story of Turkey, 170; and the illustrations, pp. 137, 147, 171, 175, 177.

Berlin and other friends for their co-operation; and to the Delegates of the Oxford University Press for allowing me to make use of the map of Western Asia in the twelfth century, which was designed by Professor S. Lane-Poole. Marcus N. Adler. May 27, 1907. This is the book of travels, which was compiled by Rabbi Benjamin, the son of Jonah, of the land of Navarre his repose be in Paradise.

Stanley Lane-Poole for introductions to the librarians of Trinity College and the Royal Irish Academy. The portrait prefixed to this volume is a reproduction of the bust by Roubiliac in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. August 14th, 1902. By the late Published from the Last MANUSCRIPT Copy, Corrected and Enlarged by the Author's OWN HAND.