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But aside from a grudgingly given tribute of admiration for their power, one has about as much respect for them as for the equally graceful rattlesnake, that other product of nature which flourishes in this desert land. The bird life along this lower part of the river was wonderful in its variety. The birds of the desert mingled with those of the fertile lands.

I will not permit it, sir not for one moment. If he persists in annoying my family, sir," and the purple hue of the General's face deepened, "I would no more hesitate to shoot him no more, by gad! than I would a rattlesnake."

The women lined up on each side of the store, looking at the canned things on the shelves, and the old man was trying to be polite, when the bad boy opened the box and laid on the floor a stuffed rattlesnake that was as natural as life, and touched a rattle box in his pocket, and the trouble began.

Whatever my position, and wherever I placed myself, I was as conspicuous as a tower in the middle of a plain; again, no shadow of protection was there from the too-ardent sun of Utah, which drew the vitality from my frame as it did the color from my gown; worse than these, the everywhere present rocks were the chosen haunts of the one enemy of a peaceful bird lover, the rattlesnake, and I hesitated to pursue the bird, because I invariably forgot to watch and listen for the reptile.

One morning O'Brien came on board and said, "Peter, I've a piece of news for you. Our gunner is appointed to the Araxes, and the admiral has given me a gunner's warrant for old Swinburne. Send for him on deck." Swinburne was summoned, and came rolling up the hatchway. "Swinburne," said O'Brien, "you have done your duty well, and you are now gunner of the Rattlesnake.

Dorman swished his rod in unpleasant proximity to his divinity's head. "Because, honey" Beatrice dodged "you might step on a snake, a rattlesnake, that would bite you." "How would it bite, Be'trice?" "With its teeth, of course; long, wicked teeth, with poison on them." "I saw one when I was ridin' on a horse wis Uncle Dick.

They drank the bubbling waters of the Jesuits' well, and wandered about the salt marshes, Victor going ahead with a forked stick in case the rattlesnake should object to their progress. Madame was in great spirits. She laughed and sang snatches of song. Never had Victor seen her more blithe.

Adair, after killing one which infested the camp of the Seminoles, found himself in serious danger, whereupon he remarks in a note page 263, that the Seminoles "never kill the rattlesnake."

It was of a non-venomous species; but, oppressed by hunger, even had it been a rattlesnake, I would have proposed to eat it. "Here is food, and we must not be particular," I said. Tim hesitated. "Sure, Mr. Maurice, you'll not be afther eatin' a snake," he said.

This will usually wash off the oil before it has had time to get through the natural protective coating of the skin. Snake-bite is one of the rarest of all accidents and not one-fiftieth as dangerous as usually believed. Not more than one person in twenty bitten by a large rattlesnake will die, and only about two in a hundred bitten by small rattlers or by copperheads.