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So the skipper bore away until the faint luminous spots opened out just clear of the heel of the long yard which, it will be remembered, was bowsed down close to the deck and there he resolutely kept them, the wind having by this time fallen so light that it was necessary for him to make frequent sweeps with the steering-oar in order to keep the raft's head pointed in the required direction.

"And we aren't got 'em," growled Bostock. "Why don't you haul one side up till the raft's edgewise, and then work it out through the gangway with the levers till it overbalances and tumbles in?" said Carey. "Ah, to be sure, sir," said Bostock, mopping his dripping face; "why don't we?" "What, and shake the thing all to pieces with the fall?" said the doctor.

He also felt the hard logs underneath and crept along until he reached the pine-tree. As soon as he was up beside his sister, they looked at each other and heaved a mighty sigh. "The raft's skidding," said Dot, pointing out to the water. Don looked; sure enough, the raft must have been caught in a side current and sent down stream. "That tumble of mine was the best thing I did!" grinned Dot.

Part of the little raft's belongings consisted of an old sail, and this they spread over a nook in the bushes for a tent to shelter their provisions; but they themselves would sleep in the open air in good weather, as became outlaws.

Jim had a wonderful level head, for a nigger: he could most always start a good plan when you wanted one. I stood up and shook my rags off and jumped into the river, and struck out for the raft's light. By and by, when I got down nearly to her, I eased up and went slow and cautious. But everything was all right nobody at the sweeps.

On the old barque once or twice had come the stray thought of how Raft's figure would accommodate itself against the background of the world she knew.

For a few moments the girl rattled on capriciously, swinging her stockinged legs in the smooth green swells that rose above her knees along the raft's edge; and he sat silent beside her, half-listening, half-preoccupied, his eyes instinctively searching the water's edge beyond. "I hadn't noticed that Louis Malcourt was so devoted to your sister," he said.

Part of the little raft's belongings consisted of an old sail, and this they spread over a nook in the bushes for a tent to shelter their provisions; but they themselves would sleep in the open air in good weather, as became outlaws.

The wolverines pressed close to Shann until the musky scent of their fur, their animal warmth, enveloped him. One growled deep in its throat, perhaps in answer to that wind-borne wail. "Hound?" Shann asked. Beside him in the dark Thorvald was working loose one of the poles they had readied to help control the raft's voyaging.

"Nay, that I won't," came in a growl. "Here, doctor," cried Carey, loudly. "Yes, what is it?" "Oh, Master Carey, don't tell on a fellow," whispered Bostock. "You're just in time. The raft's done. Bostock has just driven in the last nail." "Glad to hear it," said the doctor. "Then I suppose we may get her into the water to-morrow." "Yes, sir, she'll do now," growled the old sailor.