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It was a symptom, as Chris very plainly perceived, of the manner in which the shadow of the King reached even to the remotest details of the life of the country. The priory was now, as it were, enveloped in the royal protection, and the people responded accordingly.

Or, again, looking seawards and Anglesey-wards you have Pen-mon, Seiriol's isle and priory, where Mael-gwyn lies buried; you have the SANDS OF LAMENTATION and Llys Helig, HEILIG'S MANSION, a mansion under the waves, a sea-buried palace and realm. Hac ibat Simois; hic est Sigeia tellus.

The third dismemberment of Poland had brought the Polish Priory into the hands of the Tsar Paul I. Among other eccentricities of that monarch was a passionate admiration for chivalry, which he displayed by changing the Polish into a Russian Priory, increasing its revenues to 300,000 florins, and incorporating it in the Anglo-Bavarian langue; he also assumed the title of "Protector of the Order of Malta."

Borromée began also to gesticulate behind Mayneville, in a manner unintelligible to Chicot, but apparently clear to this man, for he went further off, and stationed himself in another place, where he stopped at a fresh sign. Then he began to run quickly toward the gate of the priory, while M. de Mayneville held his watch in his hand. "Diable!" said Chicot, "this is all very odd."

And then he was so good to the poor; the Priory was always so full of ould men and ould women sitting around the big fire in the kitchen that the cook could hardly get near it. There they were, eating their meals and burning their shins till they were speckled like a trout's back, and grumbling all the time; but Father Dwyer liked them, and he would have them.

In order to put him to the test, she determined to rouse his jealousy by violent and systematic flirtation. This led to an entanglement, and finally, in a fit of reckless anger, to an elopement with a Captain Bolton who was staying at the Priory at the time. Seized with remorse, she had returned home to kill herself. This was the tragedy that had kept the old house for so many years tenantless.

Other and competent judges have felt the charm of this old Seagate and one Algernon Charles Swinburne has immortalized it in his glowing lines "On the South Coast": "Shoreham, clad with the sunset glad and grave with glory that death reveres." Shoreham church is second only to the Cathedral at Chichester and Boxgrove Priory in interest.

He required them strong to move him. He looked at last on the green walls of the Priory, scarcely supposing a fair watcher to be within; for the contrasting pale colours of dawn had ceased to quicken the brilliancy of the crescent, and summer daylight drowned it to fainter than a silver coin in water. It lay dispieced like a pulled rag. Eastward, over Surrey, stood the full rose of morning.

"He is a good man, my uncle, the prior," he said. "And ever he saith to me, 'In troublous times a prudent tongue is worth ten lances and shields." Lady De Aldithely smiled. "May he keep his priory in peace," she said. "'Twere a pity that he should lose it." Hugo looked at her gratefully. Not every one so leniently regarded the prior's prudence.

You correspond with the king?" "Directly." "And you want a messenger?" "Yes." "Will you have one of our monks? It would be an honor to the priory." "Willingly." "Then you are restored to favor?" "More than ever." "Then," said Gorenflot, "you can tell the king all that we are doing here in his favor." "I shall not fail to do so."