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Press dispatches simultaneously announced that troops, machine guns and artillery were being rushed to Billings. This provoked a caustic comment from the Preparedness League of America, to the effect that no military operations of any offensive value could be conducted by the United States against anybody or anything. This statement was to some extent true.

A century or more ago it was a chronic disease. And withal, the military spirit, the preparedness not merely the willingness, which is a different thing to fight in a good cause, which is a distinct good, is more widely diffused and more thoroughly possessed than ever it was when the soldier was merely the paid man. It is the nations now that are in arms, and not simply the servants of the king.

I've known her for a long time, and we've always been on friendly terms. Come and sit beside me, Grace." "Jilted," declared Miriam tragically, as Grace accepted the invitation and seated herself on Hippy's other side. "Not a bit of it. I believe in preparedness. The constant-reinforcements-arriving-every-minute idea appeals to me. You are both bulwarks of defense."

But preparedness and national defense mean, of course, more than the possession of guns and more than military training as such.

They were afterwards abandoned; not through perversity or viciousness; but through weakness, and inability to understand the need of preparedness in advance, if the emergencies of war are to be properly met, when, or if, they arrive. In no country with an army worth calling such is there a chance for a man physically unfit to stay in the service.

So the Innuits, that cheerful and resourceful little race of the North who wrest their living from so reluctant an environment, were putting forth all their energies in a "preparedness" from whose example many a civilized community might well have profited.

"The best of England has volunteered," agreed Sir Percival, "but what about the slackers? What about the coal strikes the trouble in our munition factories? All are chargeable to the Kaiser's war machine which overlooks nothing in its complete preparedness. Preparedness England doesn't yet know the meaning of the word." "It's time for me to leave," said the young officer, consulting his watch.

The most preeminent lesson of the great war for us as a nation should be this there should be constantly a degree of preparedness sufficient to hold until all the others, the various portions of the nation, thoroughly coordinated and ready, can be summoned into action. Thus are we prepared, thus are we safe, and there is no danger or fear of militarism.

"That's what Aunt Louise said." "Oho, you've been talking with Mother about it!" exclaimed Dorothy. "I knew the Club would come to me sooner or later, it was only a matter of time, so I made ready to answer some of the questions you'd be asking me." They laughed at Roger's preparedness, but nodded approvingly.

Comstock ever had his shoes shined. And now, behold! the slave-king at my feet has found a long, narrow strip of linen, not, I fear, antiseptic, but otherwise suggestive of a preparedness course in first aid to the injured. It is my notice to abdicate; he turns down the bottoms of my trousers. I do not know how I get down from the throne. I know a boy who dislikes to make calls.