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Already the Khan has allowed you to interfere with our worship of our gods. This will mean " Plekhanov growled, "Be silent, old man, and don't bother to mention, ever again, your so-called gods. And now, all of you listen. Perhaps some of this will not be new, how much history has come down to you I don't know. "A thousand years ago a colony of one hundred persons was left here on Texcoco.

Mynor said with dignity, "I am sixty-four." Plekhanov said churlishly, "And I am two hundred and thirty-three." He called to Stevens, "I think you're our youngest. How old are you?" Stevens grinned, "Hundred and thirteen, next month." Mynor opened his mouth, closed it again. No man but would prolong his youth. Of a sudden he felt old, old. Plekhanov turned back to Taller.

Tula's Khan was not impressed. "This you tell us, man from First Earth. But to achieve these you plan to change every phase of our lives and we are happy with ... Tula ... the way it is. I say this to you. There are but eight of you and many, many of us. We do not want your ... State. Return from whence you came." Plekhanov shook his massive head at the other.

Man develops at his fastest when pushed by such circumstance." The Earthling looked off, unseeing, into a far corner of the room. "At least, so is my contention. Far away from here a colleague is trying to prove me wrong. We shall see." Leonid Plekhanov returned to the Pedagogue with a certain ceremony.

"Indeed," Plekhanov rumbled, "as a soldier you will be interested to know that our first step will involve the amalgamation of all the nations and tribes of this planet. Not a small task. There should be opportunity for you." Taller said, "Surely you speak in jest. The People have been at war for as long as scribes have records and never have we been stronger than today, never larger.

Leonid Plekhanov interrupted him coldly. "I would not suggest you attempt any such step, Mayer." Mayer glared but suddenly reversed himself. "Let's settle down and become more sensible. This is the first conference of the five we have scheduled. Ten years have elapsed.

"I assume you are a soldier?" Taller said, "This is Reif, my eldest, and by our custom, second in command of the People's armies. As Khan, I am first." Reif nodded coldly to Plekhanov. "I am a soldier." He hesitated for a moment, then added, "And willing to die to protect the People."

Plekhanov said flatly, "The name of this planet is Texcoco and the inhabitants shall henceforth be called Texcocans. You are correct, we have come from Earth. Our instructions are to civilize you, to bring you the benefits of the latest technology, to prepare you to enter the community of planets."

Fly high enough, of course, to avoid gunfire." Hawkins darted a look at Plekhanov, turned and hurried back to his plane. Joe Chessman, his voice sullen, said to Plekhanov, "We can't afford any more mistakes, Leonid. We've had too many already." He said to Watson, "Be sure and let their cavalry units scout us out. Allow them to see that we're entering the valley too.

"Then it shouldn't have been introduced," Reif said, his eyes unflinching from the Earthman's. Plekhanov ignored him. He said, "Hawkins, get going on that dusting. Watson, pull what units we already have in this valley back through the pass we control. We'll avoid battle until more of their army has fallen away."