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Updated: August 27, 2024

The boar kept snapping and champing his great tusks; but Pincher, even with the leg in his mouth, was too active to be caught: so as the boar found that it was both futile and undignified to try to run away with a dog hanging on his hind-quarters, he tried another plan. Making for a clump of Ti-ti palms he went to bay, and contrived to take up a very good defensive position.

In the expression and motion of the dramatic mute the aged uncle had the sublimity of Lear. For Vava, in a mask and an attitude, by some cryptic understanding encompassed the resignation and appeal to Deity. Lovaina had left me on the deck of the Fetia Taiao, as Captain Pincher said that it would be an hour or two before he sailed. His crew was having a few extra upaupas in the Cocoanut House.

Corporal Searle and Constable Kistruck, from Pincher Creek, and Constable Wilson, from MacLeod, were posted at the entrance to the two mines to keep the crowd back and preserve order generally, while Corporals Mead and Grant and Constable Hancock looked after the mutilated bodies as they were brought out of the mine.

Here Horace broke down; he could not think of home without remembering his father. Grace burst into tears. The word "home" had called up a beautiful picture of her father and mother sitting on the sofa in the library, Horace and Pincher lying on the floor, the door open from the balcony, and the moon filling the room with a soft light; her father had a smile on his face, and was holding her hand.

The old woman stood at her door wiping her eyes on her apron, and her son was behind with a face that was now red from other causes than drink and rage. "Good-bye, Mrs. Pincher; I may see you again soon." Hearing this, the young swaggerer stopped his step-dancing and cried: "What cheer, myte? Was it a blowter and a cup of cawfy?"

We left Martha to take care of the two girls, and Lady and Pincher went with us. It was getting late in the day, but I am bound to remember no one said anything about their dinners, whatever they may have thought. We cannot always help our thoughts. We happened to know it was roast rabbits and currant jelly that day.

Fatal error, fatal error! And then we looked back and saw he was getting quite near where Pincher was, and Alice and H. O. We walked on so that he shouldn't think we were looking and in a minute we heard Pincher's bark, and then nothing for a bit; and then we looked round, and sure enough good old Pincher had got Lord Tottenham by the trouser leg and was holding on like billy-ho, so we started to run.

This time Horace examined the trap on all sides, and, being what is called an ingenious boy, did actually succeed at last in getting little Pincher's foot out. "Whew! I didn't think you could," said Peter, admiringly. "You couldn't, Peter; you haven't sense enough." The foot was terribly mangled, and Pincher had to be carried home in arms. "I should like to know, Peter, who set that trap.

From Pincher Creek to Maple Creek, and far beyond, the plains lay unbroken save by the deep canyons where, through the process of ages, mountain streams had worn their beds down to gravel bottoms, and by the occasional trail which wandered through the wilderness like some thousand-mile lariat carelessly dropped from the hand of the Master Plainsman.

"Mother Carey, may Pincher kill your rats?" Armine. "One wants a clue of thread to find one's way." Janet. "I've counted five-and-thirty bedrooms already, and that's not all." Babie. "And there's a little copper tea-kettle in each. May my dolls have one?" Bobus. "There's nothing else in most of them; and, my eyes! how musty they smell." Elvira.

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