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Francisco complied, and they started towards Juanna, Otter guarding their rear with his sabre. Before they had gone ten yards, however, Pereira waddled towards them after a hasty consultation with one of his captains. "Seize that man," he shouted; "he has killed the worthy Dom Xavier: having first insulted him, he has slain him by violence, and he must answer for it."

These men demanded their guns and ammunition to take to their king, and, on Pereira refusing to give them up, said that they would kill them both in the morning after they had made him instruct them in the use of the guns by beating him with sticks. In the night a storm came on, under cover of which Pereira and Klaus escaped.

The indunas tell me that the good-looking Portugee, whom they call 'Two-faces, asks the king to kill you every time he sees him. Indeed, I've heard him myself." "That's kind of him," I answered, "but, then, Hernan Pereira and I never got on. Tell me what is he talking about to the king when he isn't asking him to kill me." "Don't know," he said again. "Something dirty, I'll be bound.

John Pereira, who had brought her and Sarah Watson, her nurse, back to Europe. The sojourn at the convent once the surprise of translation from East to West, from reigning princess to little scholar was surmounted proved fertile in gentle memories. The visit of to-day, not only revived these memories, but added to their number. For it passed off charmingly.

How long this rage for devastation might have lasted cannot be told, but Dom Pedro was at length brought to a better mind by Gonçalo Pereira, Archbishop of Braga, who, by the help of the Queen, succeeded in establishing peace between father and son.

It is stated by Pereira, that a little sulphuric acid or hydroferrocyanic acid passes to the outer vessel, but probably the amount would be of no consequence for electro-metallurgy, otherwise, it might be as well to use a Woulfe's apparatus, and discard the salt formed in the first vessel.

Given in this galley the "San Francisco" on the thirtieth day of October, in the year one thousand five hundred and sixty-eight. Goncalo Pereira

The Portuguese now leapt over-board in great numbers, and I sent captain Grant with the boat, bidding him use his discretion in saving them. He brought me on board two gentlemen. One of them was an old man named Nuno Velio Pereira, who had been governor of Mozambique and Sofala in the year 1582, and had since been governor of a place of importance in the East Indies.

She was sure that once he had slain his victim, Hernan Pereira would not stop to make examination of the corpse. He would ride away, hounded by his guilty conscience, and meanwhile I could escape. She never thought the thing out in all its details, she who was maddened with terror and had no time. She only felt her way from step to step, dimly seeing my deliverance at the end of the journey.

At length, on the seventeenth day of May, after nearly two months' imprisonment, the glad news was received that Manuel Pereira was not to be sold, according to the statutes, but to be released upon payment of all costs, &c. &c., and immediately sent beyond the limits of the State. We leave it to the reader's fancy, to picture the scene of joy on the reception of the news in the "stewards' cell."