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That is a scheme which occurred to me soon after I saw the veiled Umberto. Mr. Birrell has now stepped in and forestalled my advocacy. Pereant qui but no, who could wish that charming man to perish? The realisation of that scheme is what matters. Let an inventory be taken of those statues.

However, there is a maxim which will cover your retreat, and which you can conscientiously utter with much emphasis, if your memory is only good in repeating all the things you may have heard: Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt! Shall I translate?" She laughed lightly and answered: "So much for eavesdropping!

But never mind. I have as good a right to the words, until translated back into Greek, as that most classical of yellow admirals. 'Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt! The first proposition is, that war cannot be abolished. The second, and more offensive that war ought not to be abolished. First, therefore, concerning the first. One at a time. Sufficient for the page is the evil thereof!

He calls such a doctrine 'pestilens figmentum, 'diaboli portentum; and cries out against the Papists, 'Pereant sophistæ cum suâ maledictâ glossâ!" "Then it differs from false faith in nothing." "Not so," said Freeborn; "it differs from it in its fruits: 'By their fruits ye shall know them."

"Pereant illi qui ante nos nostra dixerunt," now, therefore, I do request by this instrument that all well-disposed persons will abstain from asserting or implying that I am open to any accusation whatsoever touching the said comparison, and, if they have so asserted or implied, that they will have the manliness forthwith to retract the same assertion or insinuation.

A sense of duty once led me astray dynastic considerations a suitable cousin." "Yes; and I suppose a moonlight night." "Pereant quae ante te! You know a little Latin?" "I think I'd better not just now." "You may want it for yourself, you know, with a change of gender. But we'll not bandy recriminations." "I wasn't joking."

The foolish man wants to hear something from me about his book, but as soon as I bend my head a little towards theory the nerves of my brain begin to ache violently, and I feel quite ill. I can and will theorize no longer, and he is not my friend who would lure me back to that cursed ground. Pereant all X. and X. if they know of nothing better than this eternal confused speculating about art!

Many a reader is delighted to find his solitary thought has a companion, and is grateful to the benefactor who has strengthened him. This is the advantage of the humble reader over the ambitious and self-worshipping writer. It is not with him pereant illi, but beati sunt illi qui pro nobis nostra dixerunt,-Blessed are those who have said our good things for us.

The toe is sore worn, but not all by Christian mouths. The heathen vulgar laid their lips there first, for many a year, and ours have but followed them, as monkeys their masters. And that is why, down with the poor heathen! Pereant qui ante nos nostra fecerint. "Our infant baptism is Persian, with the font and the signing of the child's brow.

"Pereant illi qui ante nos nostra dixerunt," now, therefore, I do request by this instrument that all well- disposed persons will abstain from asserting or implying that I am open to any accusation whatsoever touching the said comparison, and, if they have so asserted or implied, that they will have the manliness forthwith to retract the same assertion or insinuation.