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"In war it's a long lane that has no battle at the end. Just you be patient, Panther. Patience will have her good fight. I've tested it more than once myself." Ned did not say anything. He had made himself a comfortable place, and, as the cold night wind was whistling among the oaks and pecans, the fire certainly looked very good to him.

While at Magnolia, I wished to pay a visit to some old friends who live in East Boston; they have a youngster in the family, and I bought the candied fruit for her at the same time I bought the pecans which I sent to Alice; but do you know, a curious thing happened to that package of candied fruit.

There are no tents in the encampment; only here and there a blanket or buffalo robe extended horizontally upon upright poles branches cut from the surrounding trees. The umbrageous canopy of the pecans protects the encamped warriors from the fervid rays of a noonday sun, striking vertically down. That they are on the maraud is evidenced by the absence of tents.

I can live on these things and nothing else. Then poor folks will hang around, hoping to be invited to dinner! Plant a few fig trees now; and pecans? Any good? The world is going to come pretty close to starvation not only during the war but for five or perhaps ten years afterward. An acre or two done right divinely right will save us.

I want to add, though, that I had forgotten about the nuts when the district attorney asked his questions here and when I was examined in Boston." "How did you happen to forget about the nuts and remember about the candied fruit?" asked Silvia. "There was nothing to recall the pecans to my mind until you mentioned them just now, but I remember that Dr.

But this can be had without opening the tree so that free sight of its interior is possible. We believe thinning of the growth to admit more light and air is good, but we should not intentionally cut enough to make holes in the tree. Pecan Growing. Would you advise planting of pecans in commercial orchards here? Walnuts in their proper location constitute some of California's best improvements.

So swollen was the flood that from any deck of a steamboat touching there one might have looked down upon the whole fair still suburb. Widely it hovered in its nest of rose gardens, orange groves, avenues of water-oaks, and towering moss-draped pecans.

I reached the home of a relative, at heart a sympathizer with Texas and liberty, where my wound was bound up, and where I lay hidden until morning, when I was smuggled out of the town. Then I made my way among the oaks and pecans, until I came here to our camp on the Salado.

The land is leveled for alfalfa also; will the alfalfa disturb the growth of trees? We would not plant such land to fruit at all, except a family orchard. The fruits most likely to succeed are pears and pecans. On such land alfalfa should not hurt trees unless it is allowed to actually strangle them. The alfalfa may help the trees by pumping out some of the surplus water.

When he reached the plain he was outside of a line of hummocks that effectually hid the cove from sight, more effectually because of a dense grove of pecans that stood on either side of the grass-grown dunes.