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An ill-knit nation which does not recognise paternity as a legal relation, would be conquered like a mob by any other nation which had a vestige or a beginning of the patria potestas.

13 'Prejudicial' actions would seem to be real, and may be exemplified by those in which it is inquired whether a man is free born, or has become free by manumission, or in which the question relates to a child's paternity. Of these the first alone belongs to the civil law: the others are derived from the praetor's jurisdiction.

And when he was eighteen he was married to his cousin Yathodaya, in the hope that in marriage and paternity he might forget his desire to be a hermit, might feel that love was better than wisdom. And if Yathodaya had been other than she was who can tell? perhaps after all the king might have succeeded; but it was not to be so.

So, if you have made romantic love to the mothers of Berlin, your case must be investigated." "But I have not." "Then why has this disturbed you?" "Because," I replied, "this system of scientific paternity offends my instincts." The investigator ogled me craftily. "What system would you prefer instead?" he asked. I saw he was trying to trap me into disloyal admissions.

"Yes," nodded the Investigator, "I have just looked that up. The more reason you should be honoured with paternity." "Perhaps," I said, "you are not informed of the grave importance of the research. If you will consult Herr von Uhl of the Chemical Staff " "Entirely unnecessary," he retorted; "paternity is also important. Besides it takes but little time. No more than you need for recreation."

In the middle of these Enneads and of these Monads is an immeasurable Deep towards which all the Universe looks, those that are internal as well as those that are external, having above it twelve Paternities, each surrounded by thirty Powers. The First Paternity is a face of the Infinite One, and thirty infinite powers surround him.

It was not of him that Margery got her firm round chin, or her steadfast eyes that knew not how to quail, nor aught of anything she owed a father save only her paternity, you'd say. And when he spoke the thin falsetto voice matched the weak chin to a hair. "I? Damme, Sir Francis, I know not why he came how should I know?" he quavered. "Appleby Hundred is mine mine, I tell you!

"How emphatically Bertram's couplet stands out in B minor against that diabolical chorus, depicting his paternity, but mingling in fearful despair with these demoniacal strains. "Then comes the delightful transition of Alice's reappearance, with the ritornel in B flat. I can still hear that air of angelical simplicity the nightingale after a storm.

Had Joseph been skilfully "interviewed," it is highly probable that the world would have been initiated into his domestic secrets, and enlightened as to the paternity of Mary's eldest son. The Holy Ghost is rather too shadowy a personage to be the father of a lusty boy, and no young lady would be credited in this age if she ascribed to him the authorship of a child born out of wedlock.

Did one begin to fear that the decay of maternity and paternity in our older communities and the falling off in the native population presaged the drying up of the race in its very sources? Then welcome to the rank sexuality and to the athletic fatherhood and motherhood celebrated by Whitman.