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Updated: August 20, 2024

Possibly, however, the gallant gentleman may be of opinion with Leonora's Swiss, that Lady Olivia is un peu passee. Adieu, my dear friend; you, who always understand and sympathize in my feelings, you will express them for me in the best manner possible. I shall not write to R . You will see him; and Olivia commits to you what to a woman of delicacy is more dear than her love her just resentment.

It's only my second cigar since I came to the Gardens...." The byplay needed to make this intelligible may be imagined, without description. Does not the foregoing lay further stress on the curious fact that the passée young lady and the oscillator between Pall Mall and that Club at St. Stephen's this describes the earlier seeming of these two have really vanished from the story?

The "eaux noire, brun, et châtain, which dyes the hair any shade in one minute;" the "kohhl for the eyelids;" the "blanc de perle," and "rouge de Lubin" which does not wash off; the "bleu pour les veines;" the "rouge of eight shades," and "the sympathetic blush," which are cynically offered for the use and adoption of our mothers and daughters, find their chief patroness in the femme passée who makes herself up the middle-aged matron engaged in her frantic struggle against time, and obstinately refusing to grow old in spite of all that nature may say or do.

Only now have they blossomed. Heavens, how I have watched the buds! I have said to myself every morning for a fortnight: 'Will they open in time for the good father's Easter morning service? Then I said: 'They will open too soon. Buds, I have cried to them, 'do not dare to open yet, or you will be horribly passee by Easter.

The Baroness seated herself before her mirror, in a glare of cruel light which revealed every blemish in her complexion, every line about the mouth and eyes. "You are really hideously passee, mon amie," she observed as she peered at herself searchingly; "but we will remedy all that."

Inchbald, when well advanced in years, could enter so thoroughly into the spirit of another as to beg a friend to lend her a faded blue silk handkerchief or sash, that she might represent her real character of a passée blue-stocking. Mary's gayety on the present occasion was less artificial than it had been at the Dublin mask.

Independently of that, Lillie felt the instinctive jealousy which a passée queen of beauty sometimes has for a young rival. She had eyes to see that Rose was daily growing more and more beautiful; and not all that young girl's considerateness, her self-forgetfulness, her persistent endeavors to put Lillie forward, and make her the queen of the hour, could disguise this fact.

I had been trying for an engagement, and finding that beside your high-school diploma young ladies I am considered quite passee " "My dear! With your art, and music, and all!" "Too true! And while I was digesting a polite hint that my terms were too high, and therewith Agatha's earnest appeal to be sent to Girton, there comes this inheritance!

I can count upon none of them except Mary Denbigh, and she is rather passée, poor thing." "Passée?" cried Lady Constance. "At thirty? What do you expect? She looks like an elegiac figure weeping on a tombstone. I can't stand the sight of her. And it's all kept up to make herself interesting. Edwin Hay has been dead eleven years " "Never mind poor Mary. We all know she is your pet abomination "

"Well! if you persist in your obstinacy, you can only blame yourself for losing a good chance," said Mrs. Courtenay, with real irritation "You won't see it, of course, but you're getting very passee, Maryllia and it's only an old friend of your aunt's like myself that can tell you so.

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