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Updated: August 12, 2024

I went out, got his book for him; interviewed North Audley Street; spent a bad five minutes in company with that villain 'Bradshaw, who is responsible for so much of the brain and eye disease of the nineteenth century, and finally left Paddington in the Flying Dutchman, which landed me at Bath early in the afternoon.

James's Gazette, and had extraordinary facility as a writer. Mr. Reginald Smith tells me how James once wrote a leading article in the train between Paddington and Maidenhead. Many of the little poems which he contributed to periodicals were improvised.

Nice Uncle Victor, buying the house from Papa and making Dan live with them. That was to keep him from drinking. Uncle Victor was hurt because Papa and Mamma would go to Morfe when he wanted you all to live with him. But you couldn't imagine Emilius and Victor living together or Mamma and Aunt Lavvy. Bristol to Paddington. This time next week it would be King's Cross to Reyburn for Morfe.

My job is to keep him under observation." "That's what I set out to do when I came out of Viner's," said the barrister. "He's up to something. He assured us as we left the house that he'd a most pressing engagement at his hotel in Lancaster Gate; the next minute, happening to glance down a side-street, I saw him cutting off in the direction of Paddington.

We should thus, he hoped, get the advantages of a public school without being exposed to some of its hardships and temptations. He would himself be able to live with his family, although, as things then were, he had to drive daily to and from the Slough station, besides having the double journey from Paddington to Downing Street. We accordingly moved to Windsor in Easter 1842.

I've been in Market Milcaster myself since the races were given up, and I've seen these tickets carefully framed and hung over mantelpieces oh, yes!" Spargo caught at a notion. "How do you get to Market Milcaster?" he asked. "Paddington," replied Crowfoot. "It's a goodish way." "I wonder," said Spargo, "if there's any old sporting man there who could remember things.

Franching would be above such an act; and I don't think any of the Mutlars would descend to such a course. I wonder if Pitt, that impudent clerk at the office, did it? Or Mrs. Birrell, the charwoman, or Burwin-Fosselton? The writing is too good for the former. Christmas Day. We caught the 10.20 train at Paddington, and spent a pleasant day at Carrie's mother's.

"He's the best bit of new stuff that I've seen since Jem Belcher fought his first fight with Paddington Jones at Wormwood Scrubbs four years ago last April," said Berkeley Craven. "You'll see him with the belt round his waist before he's five-and-twenty, or I am no judge of a man." "That handsome face of his has cost me a cool five hundred," grumbled Sir John Lade.

You will find these streets by the score if you leave the main thoroughfares and take a short cut on your way to Euston, to Paddington, or to Waterloo. But the dingiest and deadliest and most depressing lie round about Victoria. And Daubeny Street, Pimlico, is one of the worst of them all.

I cannot think there can be anything seriously wrong with dear father," said Rosamund. "But, of course, after mother's telegram I must go." Accordingly, a reply stating the hour of Rosamund's arrival at Paddington was wired back to London, and shortly afterwards the girl went up to her own room to pack a few things.

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