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Updated: July 31, 2024

Nevan enjoyed both the cookies and the talk, though he kept an eye on the time and didn't let himself relax too much. Owajima was alerted now, and field agents tended to have a rather violent reaction to someone stalking them for unknown purposes. Nevan couldn't blame them; he'd reacted the same way when one of his net had warned him someone was on his trail.

"My ship, now." Nevan stood. "Come along." Nevan scowled down at the unconscious businesser. He'd restricted his open questioning to Owajima's plans and next location his homeworld, not surprisingly but he'd done some questioning covertly as well, making comments about Owajima and reading the answers from his subject's face and body language.

He'd never met Owajima, though he'd wanted to, and when Nevan had left IntelDiv on swearing fealty to Ranger Losinj, Owajima had taken over the top field agent rating. Owajima was no Sandeman, but IntelDiv rumor had him close; he was supposed to have been a Kai-school ninja before joining the Corps, and his exploits since hadn't done anything to contradict the rumor.

Nevan DarLeras had a powerful and trained Talent, something "Vance DarLowrie" had shown no traces of so he was not using either that or Ranger Losinj's position to simplify his mission. An exercise of some sort, then security, in all probability. If true, it could be proven easily, Owajima thought, and he would have the pleasure of meeting his predecessor.

So am I, and since you proved able to stop him, I will place a commendation in your records.* *Thank you, sir.* Owajima smiled. *It is good to know our protections are adequate against one of the warrior Nevan's ability; any other, then, could penetrate them only by chance.* *True.* Corina projected amusement. *Are you on assignment?* *No, sir.

"Is there a tattoo on his right cheek?" "There is not." "Interesting thank you. I will need some assistance after all, it appears; I would like to get into his ship with as few traces as possible." "An entry specialist will be with you in ten minutes. Is there anything else?" "Not at the moment. Owajima out." So his pursuer's true name was Nevan, Owajima thought, troubled.

That wasn't a direct correlation, since there were multi-field geniuses with none at all, and people with no conventional talents and powerful Talent but well over ninety percent of the time, conventional and psionic abilities went together. Owajima wouldn't be the top-rated field agent without exceptional ability of both types.

It's not the typical Sandeman arrogance that makes you feel like you're not worth the bother of looking at it's more like being under a microscope. I'm sorry to be so vague, but as I said, there wasn't anything definite I can point to." A feeling of being looked into rather than at. Owajima frowned more deeply.

But an enemy would have no hesitation, and until he caught up with Owajima or was caught himself he was acting in that capacity. "If you are convinced Owajima is my target, and you wish to assist me in finding him, you will choose one. Otherwise, you will depart." The businesser looked angry, but Nevan could see he'd expected something of the sort. "The torture, then. When and where?"

The man knew, was eager to say and would report to Owajima as soon as he could. Nevan made himself look skeptical, which wasn't hard; this was obviously a setup. "Even if he were my target, which I do not say, I would want more than your unsupported word. Will you submit to truth drugs, or shall I use Sandeman methods?" "Torture, you mean." The businesser grimaced.

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