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Updated: July 31, 2024

Returning to the lounge, he gave Owajima the box holding the weapons. "Here you are, Major. Use them in good health." "I shall, whenever my cover does not prohibit the use of Sandeman weapons. And call me Kiyoshi, please." Owajima smiled. "I think this will be an enjoyable trip, and that by its end we will be friends." "I think so, too. Do you have a family?"

The Sandeman would neither confirm nor deny that occupation, of course, but the simple fact that he was attempting to trace an IntelDiv field agent lent still further credence to the informant's conclusion. Owajima would have liked more information, but it seemed prudent to act on the informant's suspicions.

The man had confirmed an opinion Nevan had formed early: given the opportunity, he and Owajima could easily become friends. This man, for instance. He'd owed Owajima a debt, true, but it had been loyalty rather than obligation that had led him to help the way he had. Assuming he was successful in this mission, Nevan thought, he'd have to see the businesser got some sort of compensation.

"I am not available at the moment." "You have other employment?" "That's none of your concern." The businesser sat. "It is if your target is Kiyoshi Owajima, as I've heard. I have reason to want him . . . out of the picture." "Oh?" Nevan remained noncommittal, but allowed himself to show a trace of interest. "I understand he's an Imperial officer a dangerous target.

It is the least I can do after setting Nevan on your trail.* *I will, sir, and thank you.* *Before I break contact, thakur-na, is there anything further you need?* *Not really, Thakur if you don't have anything else for me, I'll offer Major Owajima a ride back to Terra.* *That will be fine. Enjoy the trip I must endure this reception for Duke Shirley. Until your return, thakur-na.*

The Shogun's secret police force was made up of the Kai-school ninjas Owajima was rumored to have been, and it seemed possible he'd been one of them before joining the Corps. If so, he'd undoubtedly use them for backup which meant going in, Nevan thought, would be like sticking his head in a balik's den. A female balik's, with newborn cubs.

The only places Owajima knew, in fact, that taught more than the most basic such reading were the Kai school here, and the Imperial field agent school on Terra.

Mind showing me how it works?" "Not at all, though since you are already aware of me, the effect will not be complete." If that was incomplete, Nevan thought seconds later, Kiyoshi Owajima must be capable of practically turning invisible. He knew the other was there, could see him perfectly well but it was almost impossible to pay any attention to him. "Nice!

He led the way to his ship's control room, got clearance for takeoff, and set course for Terra. Then he escorted his guest to the ship's small lounge. "I've followed your career for a long time, Major," he said, getting coffee for each of them. "It's been brilliant at times incredible. Like getting into this ship without leaving traces." Owajima smiled. "I left traces, warrior.

He transmitted it to the spaceport controller, got clearance, and was lifting off at the specified time. Not long afterward, he was far enough from the planet to make the transition to hyperspace, and did so. Owajima smiled as he read his agent's decoded message.

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